Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gabby's Child Talks (3)

"It's Elebator!"
Gabby created the following new words by herself: ricepy, icsream, Bincent, swiper the box. These words actually mean rice crispies, ice cream, Vincent, swiper the fox, respectively.

One day in an elevator at the Rocky Point Beachfront Resort Gabby said, "We're in an elebator."

"It's elevator, not elebator." Daddy corrected her.

"Elebator!" She insisted.

"Yes, it's elebator." Mommy agreed with her.

"No. It's elebator!" Gabby didn't agree with Mommy.

Mommy's Assistant
One day at dinner time Rebecca and Gabby wanted to drink cold milk. When Mommy opened the refrigerator, she noticed that there wasn't any. She told them Daddy would go to Gym that night and he would buy some milk on his way back home from Gym.

When Daddy got home (he came back late that day), Gabby told Daddy there was no milk.

"You will go to Gym tonight and you will buy some milk on your way back home from Gym, won't you?" She aked.

Mommy laughed. She had a new assistant to do part of her work now.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rebecca's Child Talks (1)

Dumplings Can Swim
At age 2. One day Mommy was cooking dumplings in the kitchen. When the water boiled, all the dumplings began to float in the water. Seeing that, Rebecca said, “Look! Dumplings are swimming!”

Happy Turtles
At age 2. Mommy took Rebecca to Phoenix Zoo. At the entrance there was a big pond. In the pond there were a few logs floating on the water. A lot of turtles were swimming in the water or playing on the logs. Mommy and Rebecca stopped on the bridge over the pond and watched the turtles for a while. “They are so free and happy.” Rebecca said.

Wedding Pictures
At age 2. Mommy and Rebecca were watching the wedding pictures on the bulletin board in the hallway at the church. The wedding pictures were very beautiful. Rebecca wanted Mommy to take pictures like that for her. Mommy said those were wedding pictures and they took when they got married. Hearing that, Rebecca said, “I want to get married.” Mommy said you would get married when you grew up. But Rebecca didn’t want to wait that long. She said, “I want to get married now.” Mommy didn’t remember how she stopped her cry that day. Later at home Daddy and Mommy took some “wedding” pictures for her. She was wearing a long light-colored (almost white) dress, a light pink (almost white) headband with a light- colored scarf and holding a white bouquet.

At age 3 or 4. One day when Mommy picked up Rebecca at Tempe Christian School, her teacher told Mommy Rebecca was so cute that day. Well, she was cute every day. Why did the teacher say she was cute that day? Then the teacher began to explain. On that day Rebecca and a few other girls were playing Mommy. The “Mommy” was going to have a baby, but Rebecca stopped her and said, “No. You can’t have a baby! You have to get married before you have a baby. And you have to be 22 to get married!” Mommy laughed after she heard the teacher's explanation. Rebecca was really cute. She was absolutely right, too.

Gabby's Child Talks (2)

Powerful Cheeks
When Daddy gets back home in the evening, Gabby always runs to him upon hearing the opening of the garage door. Daddy hugs her and kisses her cheeks. He says he is tired but her cheeks make him refreshed.

One day Gabby was riding on Daddy’s shoulders. Daddy got tired after a while and asked Gabby to get off. Gabby still wanted to ride. She said, “You can kiss my cheeks.” Daddy laughed and kissed her cheeks. Well, he had to let her continue to ride.

A Lucky Gabby
With Rebecca and Gabby lying by her sides, Mommy said, “I am a lucky Mommy.” Hearing that, Gabby said, “I am a lucky Gabby.” Mommy felt even luckier.

A Diaper Baby
Gabby can go to potty at about 26 months old. But she still wears a diaper in the bed to avoid accidents. One day before bedtime Mommy put a diaper on her. Shortly after that, she wanted to go potty. Mommy took off her diaper and gave it to her to hold it. After she was done, she walked out of the bathroom with the diaper. Mommy was a little behind because she had to flush the toilet, wash her hands and turn off the light. When Mommy walked out of the bathroom, she saw Gabby was playing with her diaper. “Clap your hands, Baby! Clap your hands!” Gabby said. She was holding the two flaps on the diaper pretending they were two hands of a baby. She was helping the "baby" to clap her hands by closing and opening the two flaps. "A diaper baby?" Mommy thought it was funny.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gabby's Child Talks (1)

A Big Nest
One day at bath time, Gabby told Mommy she wanted to go to the nest. A nest? Where was there a nest in the house? Mommy and Rebecca were puzzled. After a while Mommy figured out what she was talking about. She was talking about the bath tub. It does look like a big nest! Mommy and Rebecca began to laugh. From that day on, the bath tub is Gabby’s nest.

A Fat Cocoon
On the day when Daddy and Rebecca went to ski in Flagstaff Gabby helped Mommy to make meat pies for dinner. Mommy gave her a small piece of dough. Using her small rolling pin, she rolled out the dough into a flat shape. She did that very carefully. Then she put meat on the flat shape and rolled it up. Her meat pie was done. “Good job!” Mommy said and put it on the tray by the meat pies she made. Then Gabby noticed that some meat in her meat pie was outside of the dough. She poked the meat and said, “Go into your cocoon.” That meat pie did look like a fat cocoon! Mommy couldn’t help laughing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rebecca's Scratch

Rebecca went to Gabby’s school during her spring break. She and her new friend Allyson liked to play scooters on the playground. Those were skateboard scooters. One day she showed Mommy how she played it. First she bent down and held on the handles, and then she pushed the scooter and ran with it. When she came to a slope she jumped onto the scooter and slid down the slope. It looked fun. Mommy thought she would like it when she was at Rebecca’s age.

One day at bath time, Rebecca showed Mommy the bruises on her knees. She got them when she was playing scooter. She fell to the ground when she was trying to jump onto the scooter. Mommy asked if she cried and the answer was no. She said they didn’t hurt so much. Hearing the ease in her tone when she talked about her bruises, Mommy realized that her older daughter had grown up. That little girl who cried when she fell had grown up now. Mommy put some oil on her bruises that night.

A few days later on the playground Rebecca showed Mommy a scratch on her elbow. Mommy saw a little surface skin was scratched off and the scratched skin discharged a little yellowish liquid. Being worried, Mommy asked Rebecca what happened. Rebecca said she fell when she was playing scooter.

“It is not as bad as it looks.” She said.

Mommy asked if she cried and she said no. Mommy’s worry was eased by her answer.

“You’re such a brave girl.” Mommy said.

When they got home, Mommy first cleaned the scratch with cotton ball and water and then put antibiotic ointment and a band aid on the scratch.

“You’ll be alright.” Mommy said after she was done with the band aid. She remembered she once fell from her bicycle and scratched her knee. There is a little scar on her knee, but it doesn't hurt any more.

At dinner time Rebecca said she was lucky that she didn’t break her arm.

“Yes. But it would be ok if you broke your arm. We would take you to the doctor and he would fix it.” Mommy said.

“A broken arm is not as bad as you think.” Mommy continued, “And you would be alright if you broke your arm.”

Rebecca's scratch would be alright in a few days. A broken arm would be alright, too.

People will experience different kinds of pain in their lives, but every pain will be alright.

[Revelation 21: 3-4] "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Skiing Day - by Rebecca

My Dad and I went skiing on March 20,2010 in Flagstaff. We left at about 7:30 and got there at about 10:30 or 10:55. We changed to our snow pants and jackets and put on hats, gloves and sunglasses (I also put on sunscreen).Then, we put on our ski boots and walked towards the snow.

We started skiing from the middle down. It was fun! I was good at turning left, but not good at turning right. I was skiing until Daddy called me for lunch.The restaurant was upstairs of the locker room. For lunch I ordered Soup of the Day (with pasta) and chicken strips with french fries. My Daddy and I got some Mountain Dew to share. I ate and ate until I was full (I ate everything I ordered).

After lunch we went back to ski. We wanted to take the lift, so we skied to the start of the lift. At the end of the lift we started to ski down, but I stopped Daddy. I asked Daddy why we weren't skiing together and he said I would ski myself. I felt scared and started to cry.Daddy told me to get up and it wasn't going to be scary. So I started to ski. First, I turned left. Then, I turned right and then left again. When I was all the way down, I didn't think it was scary at all. We took the lift and skied down 2 or 3 more times until they closed the lift. Then we called Mommy and told her we were going home.

Finally, we got into the car and started to head home.We left at 4:55. It took us 2 hours and 45 minutes and we got back home at 7:40. When I got home there were warm meat pies waiting for me.

Cucumber Salad

Cucumber Salad is one of the Chinese dishes enjoyed by the whole family. To make Cucumber Salad, first Mommy cuts baby cucumbers into shreds and puts the shreds into a big bowl. In a small bowl she puts sesame paste, soy sauce, vinegar and salt. She mixes the mixture in the small bowl until the sesame paste becomes mushy. Then she pours that mixture into the big bowl. She also puts sliced jelly fish and some sesame oil into the big bowl. Then she starts to mix. As soon as being mixed thoroughly, Cucumber Salad is ready to be served.

Cucumber Salad was first introduced by Grandma. She made it when she was visiting the family. Because Daddy, Rebecca and Gabby all like it, Mommy learned to make it after Grandma left. Grandma also put garlic in Cucumber Salad, but Mommy skips it because Rebecca and Gabby don’t like it.

One day Mommy made Cucumber Salad for dinner. The family enjoyed their dinner as usual.

“Could you put jelly fish next time?”After a while Rebecca said, pointing to her salad bowl.

Mommy knew Rebecca liked jelly fish in Cucumber Salad, but it happened that there wasn’t any in the house that day. Mommy was very pleased by Rebecca’s polite manner telling her that.

“Yes, I will.” Mommy said.

Daddy and Mommy wish they all use polite manners when expressing suggestions and objections, either at home or outside of the home. Rebecca did a great example.

[1 Corinthians 13:4-7] "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. "

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Little House in Daniel Heights (1) - Moving in

Before they had Rebecca and long before they had Gabby, Henry and Heidi lived in a little apartment in an apartment complex called Daniel Heights. It was an apartment, but it was like a house to them because it had everything they needed. They were not Daddy and Mommy yet. So they are called by their names in the first part of this story.

That was Henry and Heidi’s first home. They came from China shortly after their marriage in the summer of 1999 to pursue their graduate degrees at Michigan Technological University (MTU) in Houghton, Michigan, one of the main cities in the Keweenaw Peninsula. Located in Upper Michigan, the Keweenaw Peninsula projects into Lake Superior, the world's largest fresh water lake. The Keweenaw Waterway divides the peninsula in half. On the south side is Houghton, which is home to MTU. On the north side is Hancock, the home of Finlandia University. The Portage Lake Lift Bridge connects the two towns. This unique double deck bridge has two levels of traffic. The upper level is for vehicular traffic while pedestrians and snowmobiles can use the lower level. In the summer the bridge is often left up, allowing the vehicle traffic to use the lower lever and boats up to 35' tall to travel under the bridge without it being raised. Most of the water traffic at this time is pleasure craft and fishing boats. The air service to the Keweenaw Peninsula is provided by Northwest Airlines. The airport is just north of Hancock. Situated on the hills bordering the beautiful Keweenaw Waterway, Houghton is one of the best 100 places to live, according to "The 100 Best Small Towns in America" by Norman Crampton.

Daniel Heights is an apartment complex for graduate students and faculty of MTU. It was built on a hill. On the top of the lower slope is Lower Heights. Above this slope there is another one and on the top of it is Upper Heights. Many buildings and houses in Houghton/Hancock area were built on hills just like Daniel Height apartments. One street passes through both Lower Heights and Upper Heights and it is called Woodmar Dirve. All the Daniel Heights apartment buildings are two-story. The Lower Heights apartment buildings are painted in different colors, but the Upper Heights apartment buildings all have the same color and they are brick red. The apartment buildings are surrounded by woods. From Daniel Heights people can see the beautiful Keweenaw Waterway which is royal blue when the water is not frozen. In the fall, when the leaves on the other side of the waterway change color, people can see orange and yellow trees reflected in blue water. That scenery is sometimes seen in paintings or postcards. The color change in Daniel Heights woods is also very beautiful.

Henry and Heidi’s new home was a one-bedroom apartment at the Lower Heights. In their building, there were two two-bedroom apartments on the first floor and four one-bedroom apartments on the second floor. Their apartment was on the second floor, which was at the street level. The first floor was below the street level. Their apartment number was 1902C. Outside of the apartment there were a big lawn and a playground. There were trees in the lawn that changed color in the fall. Their windows face Woodmar Drive. From the windows, they can see people passing by. Heidi liked to do that while she was cooking in the kitchen. When they first moved in, the apartment had almost all the furniture they needed – a couch, an armchair, a dining table, four chairs, a refrigerator, an oven, a full-size bed and a dresser. The washing machine and dryer, which were located in a room on the first floor, were shared with other apartments in the building. They needed a microwave oven and some cooking and dining ware. Some friends bought them a microwave as a wedding present. Another friend bought them a standing lamp.

Henry and Heidi settled down in their new home very soon. One day they cooked some food and invited their friends to the little apartment to celebrate their marriage.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Trip to Rocky Point (4) - The End

This was the last day of their vacation. In the morning, Mommy cooked fried rice for breakfast. She cooked scrambled eggs first, and then she cooked bacon, sausage and red pepper (all cut into small pieces). She put those aside. Then she put a little cooking oil in the pan and dumped the rice (leftover from the day before) into the pan. She also put in a little salt and soy sauce. She started to mash the rice gently until it didn’t stick together. Then she put in the eggs, bacon, sausage and red pepper that were cooked first. She kept turning the mixture for a few minutes. Then the fried rice was ready. It tasted yummy.

After breakfast Daddy and Mommy began to clean up the room and pack their luggage. Mommy didn’t forget to pack the seashells they picked up at the beach. Gabby still didn’t feel well. Mommy gave her more medicine for her fever. They got together with other families first. Then they came to the fish market. Daddy bought some crabs. After that, they set out for home around noon.

Rebecca rode with Mommy and Gabby in Daddy’s car. At the border they waited for a very long time to be checked. While they were waiting, a few beggars came over to beg for money. A couple of them were little girls about the same age of Rebecca. Mommy felt very sorry about them. At that age they should be loved and well taken care of. They should go to school and play with other kids instead of begging. Maybe they lost their parents. Maybe their parents were too poor. There must be some sad stories about them. Mommy decided she would take some changes with her if they would go to Rocky Point again and she would give that money to the girl beggars she would probably meet.

They arrived at home at dinner time. Daddy cooked pizza and the crabs he bought. Mommy cooked rice soup. Gabby’s fever was gone. They were all happy to be back home.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Trip to Rocky Point (3)

On the third day Daddies took their big kids for a fishing trip. Mommies and their little ones stayed at the Resort. Daddy and Rebecca set out at 9:15 am. Gabby spent the whole morning and afternoon with Mommy. They had a great time together.

They went to the beach first. They took buckets with them to pick up seashells, which was a favorite thing for Gabby to do. They picked up a lot of seashells once again. At the beach they saw some dogs taking walks with their owners. Gabby was excited to see those dogs. She liked to pat them. On the way back Gabby wanted Mommy to hold her.

Mommy and Gabby went to swim next. They slid down from the small water slide a couple of times, but didn't try the big one. In the deep water section, Gabby held Mommy's arms and swam cheerfully. On the way back to their room, Gabby curled in her towel. She was back to Mommy's little baby. Mommy held the little baby tightly in her arms.

After shower and lunch, Mommy and Gabby took a nap. Mommy woke up around 3:30 pm. Daddy and Rebecca had not come back yet. She began to worry and prayed for their safety. Daddy and Rebecca didn't come back until around 5:00 pm. They didn't eat any lunch on the boat and were very hungry. Daddy opened the cooler to let Mommy and Gabby see the fishes they caught.

Daddy told Mommy that they got together with other families first in the morning. They did not get on aboard until 10:00 am. A few people were boat sick, but Daddy and Rebecca were fine. There were not many fishes that day. They had to change the site a few times. Rebecca was not excited about fishing because she didn't catch any fish. Daddy caught a few and this made the fishing trip not so disappointing. They saw dolphins and sea lions on the ocean and this probably was more exciting than fishing. There are two other girls, Amy and Julia, on the boat to play with Rebecca. So she didn't feel very bored.

Upon hearing Daddy and Rebecca's talk, Gabby wanted Daddy to take her to catch fish and dolphin. She was sad because Daddy said he would take her later. To comfort Gabby, Mommy pretented she was a dolphin. She leaped to Gabby's side and opened her mouth. Gabby sticked her finger into Mommy's mouth. She caught a "dolphin"! They switched the parts. Gabby was a dolphin and Mommy caught it. This play made her feel better.

After lunner (lunch + dinner), Daddy, Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby took a walk at the beach. The sun had already set. In the west the twilight sketched out the edges of the mountains. Pointing to the mountains, Mommy explained to Rebecca how the Chinese word of mountain was created. It got darker and colder. They came back to their condo. Mommy gave Daddy a haircut while Rebecca and Gabby were watching Happy Goats.

At bedtime, Rebecca still felt the rocking of the boat. She was homesick like the day before. Gabby had a fever. Mommy gave her some Children's Mortrin. Rebecca and Gabby went fast asleep. Mommy wished Gabby would get better the next day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Trip to Rocky Point (2)

On the second day, Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby got up around 8:00 am (Mexico time). Daddy got up a little later than them. They had cupcakes for breakfast. After breakfast, they worked out a plan for the day. Rebecca wrote it down on a piece of paper. “She is a planner!” Mommy thought.

They went to the beach for a walk first. It was a short walk. After that, they went to the closest ATV rental booth. The rent was $20/hr at first. After bargaining, it was reduced to $18/hr. QiQi, KaiKai and Albert's families came with them.

ATV is the abbreviation for All-Terrain Vehicle. ATVs come in many different shapes and sizes. The different types of ATVs are designed and manufactured for different off-road applications including racing, recreation, hunting, ranching, military, emergency services and agriculture. Just about anything you can think of. The type the families rented that day was a 4-wheel drive utility ATV. At Rocky Point Resort Area, people ride that type of ATV in a wild area for fun. They saw many booths for ATV rental.

The ATV can allow two people to ride at the same time. Daddy and Rebecca rode first. Daddy was the operator who sat at the front. Rebecca sat at the back. About 35 minutes later, they came back. “It was fun!” Rebecca said. It was Gabby’s turn to ride, but she didn’t want to. So Mommy took her turn. She sat at the back, and Daddy was still the operator. Mommy was a little nervous in the beginning, but got used to it shortly. It gave her a thrilling feeling when the ATV drove down from a slope or jumped over a lump. Mommy discovered that she and Daddy had to do jumping at the same time. If not, the jump would made them uncomfortable. They did quite a few jumps. “It was fun!” Mommy agreed with Rebecca. While waiting, Rebecca, Gabby and other kids were playing with sand by the booth. Mommy joined them after she came back. They made a sand pyramid.

After that, the families came to the downtown area for lunch. Daddy, Mommy and Gabby rode in Albert's car. Rebecca rode in QiQi's car. Gabby was very talkative on the way. “Abre! Say Abre!” Most of the time she was talking to herself. They came to a restaurant facing the street. Tables were setup in an area like a patio. People can see everything on the street from their tables. The kitchen was at the other side of the patio area. People can watch the cook cooking. They ordered Tacos. There were all kinds of Tacos. They ordered pork, beef and fish (shrimp was not available that day). Those Tacos were the yummiest Tacos Mommy had eaten. The tortillas were thin and soft. The meat was juicy and yummy. The only thing Mommy wanted to complain about was the long time they waited for their food. They waited so long that Gabby became fussy.

After lunch, the families came to the market place. It was on a street by the ocean. There were many stores on both sides of the street selling crafts, cheap jewelries and clothes. This type of market place is often seen in China, too. The fish market Daddies visited the day before was also in that area. Mommy wanted to buy some paintings or posters like those she saw in their condo, but didn’t see any. They bought some seashells, a seashell craft which was very cute, and a toy guitar which looked like a real one. At a store, Rebecca saw a ballerina figurine made of seashells. It was very cute. Maybe she and Mommy could make one like that using the seashells they picked at the beach someday. They bought ice cream at a store. Gabby cried after Daddy gave her ice cream cone a big bite. “It’s missing pieces.” She said. Mommy thought it was cute of Gabby to use the words she learned from the Dora Explorer series in that situation.

On the way back to the Resort, they got lost again (Rebecca didn't agree because she rode in QiQi's car and they didn't get lost). Gabby fell asleep in the car after she finished her ice cream cone. After returning to the Resort, Daddy and Rebecca went swimming at the pool. Mommy stayed with Gabby (who was sleeping) at the room. When they came back, Rebecca told Mommy she played the water slides. She played both the small one and the big one, but she liked the big one better. She slid down with head and hands first sometimes. She met KaiKai at the pool and they slid down together. Rebecca held KaiKai’s feet. With heads first, they slid down and splashed when they hit the water. Rebecca felt like she was a mermaid while she was sliding down. It was fun!

For dinner Mommy cooked the fish Daddy bought the day before, green beans and egg soup. They had a potluck dinner at Albert’s. After dinner, they played for a while at Albert’s. Rebecca and her friends were playing hide and seek. Gabby was running after them. Daddy was singing Karoke. Mommy was watching kids playing and Daddy singing.

It was time for bed. Daddy, Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby said Good-Bye to other families and came back to their condo. Rebecca felt sad and began to cry. Mommy knew that feeling. When she was a child, she had that feeling sometimes. It happened at Chinese New Year time when all her brothers and sisters’ families came to visit. They stayed for a few days and then left. She felt sad when they left. It was a mixture feeling of emptiness and missing them. “You are homesick.” Mommy said to Rebecca. She lay down by Rebecca’s side on the couch bed. After Rebecca felt asleep, she went to the big bed to sleep.

On the next day Daddy would take Rebecca to go fishing on the ocean and it would be fun.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Trip to Rocky Point (1)

It was Rebecca's spring break. To have some fun, Daddy and Mommy decided to take two princesses for a vacation. They chose Rocky Point, which is located on the northern shore of the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California). The name Rocky Point is an American name for the town of Puerto Penasco in the state of Sonora, Mexico. It is Arizona’s closest beach resort. There were a few other families joined them, too. The vacation last for three nights and four days.

Gabby got excited a few days before the vacation. “I’ll go to beach.” She said that again and again. Mommy bought her a new swimming suit with a picture of Dora and Boots on it. She was thrilled at her new swimming suit. She wore it at her baths, of course. On the way to Rock Point, she held it in her hands.

On the first day, all the families got together and set out at 10:00 am. They took SR 347 and then SR 85 to get to the US/Mexico border. From the border they took Mexico Highway 8 to Rocky Point. The speed limit changed to "60 km/h" after they crossed the border. Rebecca rode with her friend KaiKai in KaiKai’s car. Mommy and Gabby rode in Daddy's car. They only took a couple of breaks for bathrooms and gas. When they took a break at a McDonald's store, Gabby played with a dog which belonged to another traveling family. They didn’t need to be checked at the border. Around 2:40 pm (Arizona time) they arrived at Las Palmas Beachfront Resort in Rocky Point.

Rebecca and Gabby's family's condo was on the fifth floor. They could see the ocean from the balcony. The condo was like a home because it had everything a home has, such as microwave, oven, knives, cooking ware, silver ware, cups, dishes and dining table. It even had a washing machine and a dryer. Mommy liked everything of the condo. She was very interested in the drawings and posters hung on the walls and other decorations. They were all related to ocean and beach and made the place a very warm home.

Mommy cooked instant noodles for a quick lunch. After lunch, they went to the beach. At the beach, Rebecca and other kids picked up seashells, and then they started to build a sand castle. Gabby ran around to help with the sand castle. After a while, Daddies went to buy sea food leaving Mommies and kids at the beach. After building the sand castle, the kids played in the puddles. They caught three little fishes and a little crab. Seeing that, Mommy thought of her childhood and old friends. They used to catch fish in the rivers like Rebecca and her friends were doing. The little fishes and crab they caught looked familier to her.

Gabby was picking up seashells. Mommy went to help her. At that moment, Mommy wished she could help them, walk with them and experience together all the excitement and frustration during the growing up of Rebecca and Gabby just like she was doing.

When it got darker, Mommies and their kids left the beach and went back to their condos. Mommy had to use Gabby's shoes to carry all the seashells because they picked so many. The kids all got wet and needed a shower right away.

After the shower, Daddies had not returned yet. Mommies started to get worried. Their cell phones were turned off in Mexico. So there was no way to call them. Two Mommies went to look for them. Rebecca and Gabby were hungry. Mommy decided to feed them first. She prayed in her mind while she was cooking. She cooked rice and omelette (which Rebecca calls world-famous omelette). After eating, Rebecca asked why Daddy had not come back yet. Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby prayed together for Daddies’ coming back safely.

Daddies came back finally. Daddy told Mommy that they stayed at the seaport to watch the sunset. After it got dark, they can’t find the way back and got lost. Daddy bought clams, shrimps and fish. He didn't buy any crab because there were not many and all were sold out. "Maybe it is not the harvest season for crabs." Mommy thought.

They went to bed around 9:30 pm Mexico time (10:30 pm Arizona time). Rebecca slept in the couch bed in the living room. Daddy, Mommy and Gabby slept in the big bed in the bedroom. It was a long day. They went fast asleep.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Neen Gow

Neen Gow is also called Sticky Cake or New Year’s Cake. Daddy loves it. So Mommy decided to learn how to make it. She called Albert’s Mommy to get the recipe. Then she and Rebecca started to make it at home. They put all the ingredients in a big bowl and mixed. After the mixing, Mommy poured it to a pan and then put the pan into an oven to bake. Albert’s Mommy said it was very easy to make Neen Gow. Rebecca and Mommy also thought it was not that hard.

After about 25 minutes, Mommy took a chop stick to poke the Neen Gow. This is how you tell if the Neen Gow is done. If the chop stick comes out clean, the Neen Gow is done. If the chop stick comes out with some sticky flour on it, the Neen Gow is not done yet. Mommy got a clean chop stick. So the Neen Gow was done. But wait a minute! It didn’t look like the Neen Gow Albert’s Mommy made. The Neen Gow she made was gold, sticky and soft. But this one was yellow, dry and hard. It didn’t taste like Neen Gow, neither. At the first time they failed.

After consulting Albert’s Mommy, Mommy decided to try again. She figured out that the rice flour they used last time was too old. It was bought a couple of years ago. Mommy bought new rice flour. She and Rebecca started their Neen Gow experiment again. At the second time they failed. Mommy forgot to put eggs in it. The Neen Gow was pale, dry and hard and tasted even worse than the first time.

Mommy and Rebecca started their Neen Gow experiment for the third time. This time Rebecca reminded Mommy and they didn’t forget eggs. They waited excitedly after the pan was put into the oven. Daddy was the first one to taste the Neen Gow. He said it was better than the last two times. Looking at the Neen Gow, Mommy knew they failed at the third time because it didn’t look right. It was dry and hard still.

“Don’t give up.” Daddy said, “You are close.” Mommy and Rebecca felt a little frustrated, but they didn’t want to give up. Actually they didn’t think of giving up at all.

They needed to figure out where to get started for the next Neen Gow experiment. Mommy remembered that when she called Albert’s Mommy for the recipe she didn’t write it down. She thought she memorized everything correctly, but she might not. So the first step was to get a correct recipe. This job was given to Daddy. He successfully got a written recipe very soon.

At the fourth time, Mommy and Rebecca put the recipe in front of them when they put the ingredients in a big bowl. Mommy double checked the list before starting to mix. In the big bowl, they put 2 and ½ cups of milk, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup of sugar, 8 tsp of olive oil, 1/8 tsp of baking powder, and 1 bag of sticky rice flour (1 lb). Everything was exactly in the same amount as the recipe said. The oven was turned on to 350⁰ and this was the temperature the recipe said. (Mommy tried 375⁰ in later experiments and the Neen Gow turned out better.)

“Failure is the mother of success.” After all the failure, Mommy and Rebecca finally succeeded at the fourth time. The Neen Gow was exactly what it should be - gold, sticky, and soft. And it tasted yummy!

“We did it!” Mommy and Rebecca started to do a Dora dance. Daddy and Gabby joined them, too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

An Iguana Can Swim

Gabby likes to do things by herself. She feeds herself and dresses herself. Other things she can do by herself are washing hands, putting on shoes, buckling the seat belt, going to potty, taking bath, and a lot more. “I can do it.” She says proudly if someone wants to help her.

Gabby likes to help around in the house. When Daddy is fixing something, she would go to watch and help him. When Mommy is making meat pies, she (and Rebecca) would definitely come to help.

Mommy asks Gabby for help sometimes. When her hands are full and needs to go out of the room, Mommy would call Gabby to open the door for her. Hearing that, Gabby would run to the door immediately and open it for Mommy. One day Mommy asked Gabby to mix eggs for her after she cracked them in a bowl. This job is usually helped by Rebecca. Gabby did a great job that time.

A little girl like Gabby makes Mommy and Daddy’s job easier sometimes. Mommy and Daddy can always enjoy their own meals at dining time. When all the people are busy, Gabby can play toys and games to entertain herself.

A little girl like Gabby makes trouble sometimes. She could get her clothes wet when she washes her hands and Mommy would need to change her clothes. She could take her time to put on her shoes while Mommy needs to get out of the door right away.

A little girl like Gabby is a creative thinker sometimes. One day Gabby painted her left-hand finger nails with markers. Each nail had a different color. She was excited to show Mommy her rainbow nails. With her mouth open, Mommy wondered where she got that idea.

A little girl like Gabby is an explorer sometimes. Gabby likes to play puzzles and is very good at it. She likes to sort things out. One day Gabby found out that an iguana can swim. She has a fishing toy which consists of a fish pond, some little fishes, and fishing poles. Both the fish pond and little fishes have magnets. When the switch is on, the little fishes swim in the fish pond. Gabby's littlest pet iguana has a magnet in it, too. When she put it in the fish pond, it swam!

Mommy and Daddy forgive all the trouble Gabby makes. She is only a two-year old little girl after all. They love her as she is.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wish Came True

Rebecca always wanted to have a sister. She wanted her sister would have the same birthday as her. “So we would be twins!” she said with a smile, as if she had a sister already. She was 3~4 years old at that time.

Mommy wanted to have another girl, too. Rebecca was so sweet. Mommy wanted to have another baby just like her. Her heart rejoiced when she thought of two girls running around in the house and playing together. The desire to have another baby got stronger with time. She can’t stop feeling jealous every time she saw a pregnant woman. “Why it is not me?” She asked that question in her mind, but didn’t tell anyone.

Rebecca couldn’t wait any longer. She cried and questioned why she didn’t have a sister yet.

Daddy wanted Rebecca and Mommy to be happy. Their wish was his, too.

God is the one who makes wish come true. So Daddy, Mommy and Rebecca prayed and asked God to give them a baby at His time.

They prayed at dinner time and at bed time.

They prayed at home and at church.

They prayed insistently.

God answered their prayers and gave them a baby girl, who was named Gabriella (with Nick name Gabby). God chose Gabby's birth date one day before Rebecca’s 5th birthday. They would never be twins. Rebecca knew that at the first moment she saw Gabby in the hospital, who was wrapped in a receiving blanket. She didn't care. She had a sister anyway, and they would celebrate birthdays at the same time.

Their wish came true. Daddy, Mommy and Rebecca felt thankful for Gabby. They lived happily ever after.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Super Daddy

Daddy is a super Daddy. He fixes things that are broken or don’t work in the house.

Gabby’s talking toys didn’t talk. Mommy told Daddy. He fixed them.

Rebecca wanted to play games on the internet, but the computer didn’t work. She told Daddy. He fixed it.

Mommy’s car had a problem. She told Daddy. He fixed it.

He also fixes televisions, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, humidifiers, and a lot of other things.

One day he even fixed three broken hearts.

It’s right before Christmas. Rebecca’s school had a gift shop. Mommy gave her a few dollars to let her buy some gifts for her teacher or friends. To Mommy’s surprise, Rebecca bought her a gift instead! It was a little plaque with a poem (for Mommy) on it. At that moment, Mommy felt she was the happiest on the world. She almost cried.

For a long time Mommy was soaked in that happiness that she couldn’t think normally. She didn’t notice that part of the plaque was made of glass and gave it to Gabby to play with after Gabby asked for it insistently. When she was making dinner in the kitchen, she heard Gabby crying in the living room. She ran to the living room and saw Gabby’s hands were bleeding. She broke the plaque and cut her finger! At that sight, Rebecca began to cry. She cried because her gift was broken. Mommy cried, too.

Guess what happened next? Daddy fixed the broken plaque. With great patience, he glued the broken pieces back together. It was done so nicely that nobody but the people in the family will notice it was broken before. The three broken hearts were also fixed.

Is such a Daddy super?

A Jaguar Family

“Meow! Meow!” Gabby ran to Mommy. This happened in an afternoon when Mommy and Rebecca picked up Gabby at her school. All the teachers and other kids on the playground looked puzzled.

This did not puzzle Mommy and Rebecca. They recently have played this in the house. Gabby was pretending she was Baby Jaguar. She wanted a rescue to Mommy Jaguar.

This play was from “Meet Diego.” Diego was Dora’s cousin. Dora, Boots and Diego rescued a baby Jaguar, who was trapped at the edge of a waterfall, and returned it to the Mommy Jaguar. “Meow! Meow!” was the sound the baby Jaguar made for help.

In their play, Baby Jaguar sits on a couch or a chair (pretending it was the edge of a waterfall). “Meow! Meow!” She cries for help. Diego flaps her arms (pretending she was riding on a big bird) and ran to Baby Jaguar. Baby Jaguar jumps into Diego’s arms. Diego holds Baby Jaguar in her arms and gives her to Mommy Jaguar. Mommy Jaguar says “Meow! Meow!” and cuddles Baby Jaguar to her arms.

Guess who acts what in their play? Yes, Gabby is Baby Jaguar! Rebecca is Diego. Mommy is Mommy Jaguar. Sometimes Mommy acts Diego first and then switches to Mommy Jaguar.

Gabby usually is very happy when Mommy and Rebecca pick her up in the afternoon. That day she didn’t feel well. She didn’t know how to tell Mommy that in words, but she let Mommy know she needed some comfort by pretending she was Baby Jaguar.

Mommy loves to be Mommy Jaguar. She said Daddy was Daddy Jaguar, Rebecca was Sister Jaguar and Gabby was Baby Jaguar.

"We are a Jaguar family!" Mommy said proudly.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Princess Forever

When she was a little girl (precisely speaking when she was in preschool), Rebecca liked to be a princess. She had princess costumes, crowns, shoes and jewelries. Her favorites were Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Belle and Jasmine. She liked to play princess in the house with Mommy and Daddy.

Play 1 - Sleeping Beauty
Lying down in her bed with her eyes closed and holding a red rose in her hands, the Sleeping Beauty was waiting for her prince to come and kiss her. The prince (who was acted by Daddy or sometimes by Mommy) rushed into her room upstairs and kissed her. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. They held hands together and went downstairs. Then they danced together.

Play 2 – Cinderella
Rushing down from upstairs, Cinderella lost one of her shoes on the stairs. The Grand Duke (who was acted by Daddy) came and picked up the shoe. He held the shoe and looked for the girl who can fit the shoe. He tried it on Mommy’s foot (Mommy was acting one of Cinderella’s stepsister). It didn’t fit her. Then he tried it on Cinderella’s foot and it fit!

“Cinderella, I found you!” The Grand Duke exclaimed.

Play 3 – Belle
Carrying a basket in one of her hands, Belle was reading a book while she was walking.

"Hi, Belle!" Mommy waved to her.

Play 4 – Snow White
Snow White took a broom and started to sweep the floor. She sang a song while she was sweeping.

"Snow White, you're doing a nice job!" Mommy praised her.

“I love to be a princess” was the song she liked to sing. As a princess, she had to wear dresses. Auntie bought her lots of beautiful dresses. Mommy also made her some.

Before Mommy and Daddy noticing it, that little princess has grown up now. She has her new favorites: American Girls. She wears jeans, T-shirts and jackets, although she wears a dress occasionally. She likes to read books, play games on the internet, knit and sew. Playing princess looks babyish to her.

In Mommy and Daddy’s sight, she is a princess forever.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Little Sister Gabby - by Rebecca

Gabby was born on May sixth 2007 and I met her on my birthday - May seventh. The first time I held her she cried. One day at home I was singing to her and she didn't cry. Well that was because she was asleep. I even got to feed her formula in her bottle. The day we took a picture for my star student poster in kindergarten she was three months old and she wore a white dress with red and pink flowers, a light pink headband and blue shoes with orange shoelaces.

When we celebrated her first birthday Gabby knew how to blow out birthday candles and she learned how to play in the sand. Grandma also came to visit when Gabby was one.

Now Gabby is two and I am very thankful for her.

From Caterpillar to Butterfly

Bath time is fun for Rebecca and Gabby. They can play in the bath tub for hours if Mommy doesn’t ask them to come out. Gabby uses the bath tub as a swimming pool and swims in it. To look real, she wears her swimming suit sometimes. Rebecca likes to lie down in the water and closes her eyes to meditate.

If it’s in the summer, Mommy would let them play in the bath tub for a long time while she is brushing her teeth or doing something else. But in the winter, the water gets colder. Mommy doesn’t want them to get sick. So she has to ask them to come out fast.

After they come out of the bath tub, they like to lie down in the bed covered by a quilt. Very cozy! Mommy calls them “caterpillars”. After a while, they come out of the quilt and announce they have changed to butterflies. Then Mommy goes over and helps “butterflies” to put on clothes.

One day Rebecca felt asleep while she was still a “caterpillar”. It was not bedtime yet. Poor Rebecca! She must be very tired. Mommy then decided to let her sleep for a little while.

In Mommy’s sight, changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly is a beautiful scene.

Dora and Swiper

Gabby likes to watch Dora Explorer cartoon series. Her favorites are “Meet Diego”, “ABC Animals”, “Best Friends”, “Fish out of Water.” She likes to play Dora and Swiper.

Gabby (pretending she was Swiper) : CHI CHI
Mommy (pretending she was Boots.): Did you hear that?
Rebecca (pretending she was Dora): It’s Swiper the Fox. Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no - swiping!
Gabby: Oh, Man!

Sometimes Rebecca was Swiper and Gabby was Dora.

They have a happing ending if Dora stops Swiper in time and he doesn’t swipe anything.

Sometimes the play takes places in a little different way.

Rebecca: CHI CHI
Mommy: Did you hear that?
Gabby: It’s Swiper the Fox. Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no - !
Rebecca: You are too late. (She grabs a toy or something) You’ll never find it now. Hey, hey, hey!

Gabby is not Dora any more. She is back to Gabby.

Gabby (crying): That’s mine. Give it to me! Mama, Sisy took my toy.

Mommy has to take the part of Dora and get that back from Swiper.

Mommy: Don’t worry. We’ll find it.

Mommy takes the toy from Rebecca and gives it back to Gabby. They still have a happy ending.

In some cases, Rebecca refuses to give the toy to Mommy and Gabby still cries for it. Then Mommy has to use her authority. That is a sad ending.