Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Princess Party

Gabby got an invitation to a princess party.

What princess would Gabby be? Cinderella!

On the day of the party, "Cinderella" dressed up and then took Mommy's car to the party. After all the princesses arrived, the party started. First, the princesses got their hair done. Then they were put on lip gloss and nail polisher. After that the princesses had tea. After tea they played some games, and then they had lunch. At the end the princesses put on feather scalves and did a princess parade in the hallway. "Cinderella" didn't do the parade because she was more interested in a magic wand the store was selling.

Gabby liked to have her hair combed to a bun and put on make-up. Mommy took a lot of pictures. From these pictures Gabby was a little timid on the party, but as soon as they stepped out of the store she was back to herself and acted normally.

Mommy bought Gabby the magic wand which she insisted to have. Besides that she got a make-up kit which was included in her goody bag. From then on Gabby knows how to be a princess. A princess has to have a dress and put on make-up. Gabby has dresses, she also has her own make-up kit. So she is a princess.

Snow Mountain

Gabby was watching "Dora Climbs up Snow Moutain." In the movie Dora and Boots had to climb up to the top of Snow Mountain to find Dora's necklace.

Gabby: It is cold on Snow Mountain, but Dora and Boots are not wearing warm clothes.

What a discoverer!

Mommy: You're right. They should wear warm clothes. They will get sick.

Five or Six?

One day Gabby was coloring on a piece of paper she took from the school.

Gabby: Mommy, there are six animals on this paper, but why the number says 5?

Mommy looked at the paper. Gabby was right. There were six animals, but a big number 5 was printed on the top left of the paper. Mommy read the paper more carefully, then she noticed there were a few small words next to the big number 5. These words told the students to color 5 animals on that paper that the teacher would tell them. This is quite confusing for a three-year-old child. Mommy thought Gabby was right and they should change the number 5 to number 6. So Mommy took a marker and changed 5 to 6.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


妈妈带着GABBY来到交谊厅找爸爸和REBECCA。交谊厅里人真多,一下子很难找到他们。GABBY一到这里,就像鱼儿来到了 大海,趁着妈妈伸长脖子在人群中努力找爸爸和REBECCA的那么几秒钟,她一下子就钻得不见人影了。妈妈顾不上找爸爸和REBECCA,赶紧去找GABBY。

这是一个星期五的晚上,教会的AWANA T&T 举行手工汽车制作比赛。大概在一个多月前,REBECCA 有一天从教会拿回家一块木头和四个小轮子,她说要用这些原料造出一个汽车模型,几个星期后有比赛,有速度奖和造型设计奖。拿回木头的那个星期的周末爸爸就带着REBECCA和GABBY去泰国了,可他们没忘了带着REBECCA的汽车手工制作。当他们从泰国度假回来的时候,也带回来爸爸和REBECCA (当然还有爷爷)合作完成的汽车模型。妈妈好奇地问他们怎么将一块木头做成了 一个如此精巧的汽车模型,爸爸说他们在一个大概一元店的地方买了 一些锯齿,回到家后用这些锯齿锯出个大致形状。那些据齿很不结实 ,锯不了两下就短了,好在买了好几根,都用上了。然后他们从大姑的邻居家借来砂纸,将表面打磨光滑。汽车模型还差油漆,妈妈觉得在汽车模型的曲线造型上涂上一面美国国旗一定很棒,REBECCA 很喜欢这个主意。涂漆的工作由REBECCA单独完成。经过几个星期的努力,一辆美国国旗造型的汽车模型终于做成了。这期间,爸爸和妈妈还就汽车的重量是否会影响汽车从斜坡下滑的速度进行了探讨。那天晚上在去教会的路上,REBECCA 很沮丧地说,她觉得她的汽车得不了奖。妈妈说没关系,我们还有明年。九点三十分团契学习结束,爸爸一听赛车还没结束,赶紧就跑去交谊厅看去了,留下妈妈去接GABBY。妈妈接上GABBY 后也来到交谊厅,于是出现了本文开头的情景。

妈妈很快在人群中找到了 GABBY,她紧紧地找着GABBY的小手,免得她一不留神又跑丢了。这时候,妈妈远远地看见爸爸和REBECCA,爸爸手里居然拿着一个金亮亮的奖杯!妈妈不敢相信自己的眼睛,赶紧拉着GABBY朝他们走过去。

爸爸:不是!REBECCA 的汽车得了速度三等奖呢!

回家的路上大家都很兴奋。REBECCA 说明年她要做一辆海豚汽车。爸爸说明年争取拿个速度一等奖回来。妈妈说看来她的关于汽车重量对其下滑速度的影响的理论没错,REBECCA的汽车很轻,可是它击败了 比它重的很多车。

这次赛车给全家留 下了 很美好的回忆,主要是全家人都参与了,而且比赛结果很出人意料之外。