Monday, April 18, 2011

Nash (1)

After Devon the turtle was put back to the nature, Rebecca wanted to have another pet.

Mommy: We could have some chickens.

Rebecca: No, I don’t want chickens.

Mommy: We could have some fishes.

Rebecca: No, I don’t want fishes.

Mommy: We could have a guinea pig or a hamster.

Rebecca: No, I don’t want a guinea pig or a hamster.

Mommy: Then what do you want to have as a pet?

Rebecca: A cat!

Rebecca was determined to have a cat. She did research on cats on the internet.

Rebecca: Mommy, what brand of cat do you want to have?

Mommy: I even don’t know what brands there are.

Rebecca then told Mommy all the brands and their features she learned from the internet. Mommy was amazed she remembered all this information by heart.

Mommy: I am not sure what type of cat I want to have. Having a pet is like to have a baby. No matter what it is, you’ll have to love it as it is.

Rebecca: I know. If I have a cat, I’ll love it no matter what it is.

However, Rebecca’s pet wish did not come along very smoothly. Daddy didn’t want to have a cat in the house.

Rebecca was very sad. She and Mommy prayed. They knew everything was in God’s hands, including Daddy’s heart.

They prayed for a few days, but Daddy still insisted no cat. Rebecca was very very sad.

Rebecca: I will never have a cat because Daddy will never let me to have one.

Mommy: You know nothing is impossible with God. He is your heavenly father. He understands your desire and needs. He listens to your prayers. Put your failth in God.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Love Makes Free

One afternoon Mommy noticed Rebecca’s eyes were red and tearful.

Mommy: What’s the matter, my dear?

Rebecca: I think Devin is dead. He doesn’t move at all.

Devin is the turtle Daddy bought for Rebecca at her 5th birthday.

Mommy: No, he is not dead. He is in hibernation.

Rebecca was still crying.

Mommy: I think Devin is not happy living with us. We should send Devin back to the nature where he has more space and freedom. How about Phoenix Zoo?

There is a pond at the entrance of Phoenix Zoo. One time when they visited the Zoo they saw turtles swimming and playing in the pond. Those turtles looked very happy because they were free.

Rebecca: Ok, you can send Devin to the Zoo. But I will miss him.

Mommy: We’ll all miss him.

Rebecca’s heart was broken. That night she had a talk with Mommy.

Rebecca: I am so sad.

Mommy: Yes. We all feel sad. But think about Devin in a big pond. He will be very happy. Do you feel better if you imagine Devin is happy?

Rebecca: Yes, I feel better.

Mommy: You’re a very nice girl because you want to do something for other people’s good. You love Devin, but you want him to be happy. So you send him free. This is unselfish love.

In the next a few days Mommy called Phoenix Zoo, but they didn’t take Devin as Mommy expected. Mommy called Arizona Reptile Rescue Center, but didn’t get a word from them.

Daddy: There is a pond in the ASU research park where I used to work. I ever saw turtles in the pond. We can send Devin there.

Mommy: There is a pond in the Desert Breeze Park. We could send Devin there. Where do you want to send him, Rebecca?

Rebecca: Desert Breeze Park.

The decision was made. Devin would be sent to the Desert Breeze Park. It is a big amusement park. Daddy and Mommy take Rebecca and Gabby there sometimes. Next time when they are there they probably will see Devin.

It was Friday afternoon. Mommy gave Devin a bath. He is nice and clean. She took a couple of pictures of him. From that time on, they would only remember Devin from these pictures and those they took before. Devin has been a good turtle. He has not caused any trouble. He is always content with what has and all that he has is the pail he lives in. He has brought the family a lot of fun. Mommy remembered the day he was brought back home from the PetsMart and everyone was very excited about him. Rebecca named him Devin. Daddy bought a big water tank for him and it was decorated beautifully with weeds, corals and little rocks. Devin didn’t eat for the first a few days because no one knew how to feed him. They put the food in a bowl and expected him to come out of the water and eat, but he never did. Daddy, Mommy and Rebecca were all worried. Daddy went to the PetsMart and asked why the turtle didn’t eat. The people at the PetsMart told him that a turtle like Devin didn’t eat from a bowl. He ate food in the water. Daddy bought snacks from the PetsMart for Devin - a few little fishes. They were happy to watch Devin gobble the little fish up in a few minutes. Later Devin was moved to the pail because of some practical reasons.

After being put in the pond, Devin was not used to it at first. He lay on the surface and didn’t move a bit. Mommy picked up a little piece of rock and threw it onto Devin. He woke up and swam away. Bye-bye, Devin!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Missing Notebook

The missing tights mystery was not that hard. Detective Rebecca wanted more excitement. She wanted to solve a harder mystery. Then here comes a harder one. Her notebook, in which she started to write her second fiction, was missing.

The notebook was a birthday present from her friend. It has black hard covers with a whitle letter "r" on the front. Gabby liked this notebook so much that she always wanted to have it. Mommy bought her a similar one. Gabby's notebook also has black hard covers, but no letter on the front. Without the letter, Gabby thought it was different from her sister's. So Mommy had Rebecca to write a letter "g" on the front using a white paint.

Rebecca noticed her notebook was missing when Mommy asked her to do some writing and she couldn't find the notebook. This was a harder mystery because no one knew when the notebook was missing

Mommy: Where did you put your notebook after you were done with your writing last time?
Rebecca: On the table.
Mommy: Mm ...

Mommy: You didn't take it. I didn't take it. Your Daddy didn't take it. Who could take it in this house?
Rebecca: Gabby! She always wants to have it.
Mommy: Where did she put it?
Rebecca: I don't know.

To ask Gabby where she put the notebook was probably the best way to find the notebook, but she didn't remember she ever took the notebook. So she was no help.

Mommy: What did you and Gabby recently play in the house?
Rebecca: Traveling.
Mommy: You packed the green frogy backpack when you played traveling, didn't you?

Rebecca looked at the green frogy backpack, and Mommy smiled.

Mommy: Go and check the backpack.

Rebecca went to the backpack. She opened it. Inside the backpack she found her missing notebook.

After solving two mysteries, Detective Rebecca feels quite confident to solve any mystery in the house.

The Missing Tights

Rebecca's dance tights were missing. This was first noticed by Mommy. They needed to find the tights.

They could look for everywhere in the house, but the easiest way is to find clues. They decided to do the later.

Mommy: When was your last time to wear them?
Rebecca: It was on Sunday afternoon. I wore them to my piano recital.
Mommy: When did you take them off?
Rebecca: I took them off when I got home.
Mommy: Where did you take them off?
Rebecca: I don't remember. It's probably in the Master bedroom.

Where Rebecca took off her tights was a critical question. The answer to this question could probably help her find the tights. They were in the Master bedroom when the above conversation took place, but they didn't see any tights. So Rebecca must have taken them off in some other place.

Mommy: What did you wear after you took off your dress and tights?
Rebecca: Pajamas.
Mommy: Where did you usually put your pajamas.
Rebecca: In my bedroom.
Mommy: So you changed in your bedroom after the piano recital. Check your bedroom to see if your tights are there.

Rebecca went to her bedroom and found her tights on the chair. The missing tights mystery was solved.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Princess Party

Gabby got an invitation to a princess party.

What princess would Gabby be? Cinderella!

On the day of the party, "Cinderella" dressed up and then took Mommy's car to the party. After all the princesses arrived, the party started. First, the princesses got their hair done. Then they were put on lip gloss and nail polisher. After that the princesses had tea. After tea they played some games, and then they had lunch. At the end the princesses put on feather scalves and did a princess parade in the hallway. "Cinderella" didn't do the parade because she was more interested in a magic wand the store was selling.

Gabby liked to have her hair combed to a bun and put on make-up. Mommy took a lot of pictures. From these pictures Gabby was a little timid on the party, but as soon as they stepped out of the store she was back to herself and acted normally.

Mommy bought Gabby the magic wand which she insisted to have. Besides that she got a make-up kit which was included in her goody bag. From then on Gabby knows how to be a princess. A princess has to have a dress and put on make-up. Gabby has dresses, she also has her own make-up kit. So she is a princess.

Snow Mountain

Gabby was watching "Dora Climbs up Snow Moutain." In the movie Dora and Boots had to climb up to the top of Snow Mountain to find Dora's necklace.

Gabby: It is cold on Snow Mountain, but Dora and Boots are not wearing warm clothes.

What a discoverer!

Mommy: You're right. They should wear warm clothes. They will get sick.

Five or Six?

One day Gabby was coloring on a piece of paper she took from the school.

Gabby: Mommy, there are six animals on this paper, but why the number says 5?

Mommy looked at the paper. Gabby was right. There were six animals, but a big number 5 was printed on the top left of the paper. Mommy read the paper more carefully, then she noticed there were a few small words next to the big number 5. These words told the students to color 5 animals on that paper that the teacher would tell them. This is quite confusing for a three-year-old child. Mommy thought Gabby was right and they should change the number 5 to number 6. So Mommy took a marker and changed 5 to 6.