Friday, July 16, 2010


Kids are taught to share. At school they are taught to share with other kids. At home they are taught to share with their siblings.

Like all the other kids, Rebecca and Gabby have been taught to share. At home Daddy and Mommy have been teaching them to share toys or snack with each other. They have been doing very well in sharing, and Daddy and Mommy are very proud of them.

Sharing is not only a lesson for kids, but it is also for adults.

On a Saturday evening Daddy and Mommy took Rebecca and Gabby to eat McDonald’s for dinner. Mommy was not hungry, so she just asked Daddy to order her a McFlurry. Daddy ordered Happy Meals for Rebecca and Gabby and a hamburger for himself. They sat down at a table and started to eat. Mommy’s McFlurry looked yummy. First Rebecca wanted to taste some, then Gabby wanted to do the same. After that, they wanted to taste more.

“Mommy, save some for me!” said Rebecca, afraid that Mommy would finish it all.

“Save some for me too,” said Gabby.

“Hey, girls! This is my McFlurry!” said Mommy.

“Mommy, you got to share!” said both Rebecca and Gabby at the same time.

Well, what can Mommy say? This is what she and Daddy have been teaching them to do.

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