Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jump Rope for Heart

One day Rebecca took home a package for Jump Rope for Heart.

Rebecca: How much money do I have?

Mommy gives her money when she does some work at house. She earned $4.50 dollars. A few days ago, she used $1.00 to buy “squeeshes.” So she still had $3.50.

Mommy: Three dollars and fifty cents.

Rebecca: Can I donate my money to Jump Rope for Heart?

Mommy: Yes, you can.

Rebecca: I want to earn more money and also donate it to Jump Rope for Heart. Can I earn more money by doing work for you?

Mommy: Sure.

That day Rebecca offered to clean the downstairs bathroom. She cleaned the mirrors and the sink. Mommy gave her $1.50.

Two days before the Jump Rope for Heart form was due, Mommy told Rebecca she had five dollars and asked if she wanted to donate all of it. She said yes.

Rebecca: Can I earn more money by washing dishes?

Mommy: Yes. You can earn two dollars.

Washing dishes is usually Daddy’s job. That night he was relaxing in the couch and watching TV.

Rebecca donated seven dollars to Jump Rope for Heart.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gabby Goes "Camping"

Gabby likes to go "camping" with Mommy.

Mommy puts two chairs some distance apart, then covers the chairs with a big blanket. A tent is done! Gabby uses two pillows to make a bed in the tent.

It's "night" time. Gabby turns off the light. She calls Mommy to come to sleep. They sleep with heads together. They keep quiet just as they do at bed time.

After "sleeping" for a little while, Gabby whispers to Mommy, "Don't move!" She gets up and turns on the light.

"It's day time! Wake up, Mommy!"

Mommy gets up.

The "camping" is fun!

Noah's Ark

Gabby likes to play "Noah's Ark" with Mommy.

Mommy is Noah. A big Macy's shopping bag is the ark. When Noah blows the flute, it's the time for the "animals" to go to the ark. Gabby takes them to the ark one by one.

After all the "animals" enter the ark. It starts to "rain." Noah takes the ark and Gabby. They go to the top of the "mountain" which is the couch. It is "flooded" everywhere, but Noah, Gabby and the "animals" are safe. After a while, the "rain" stops. Noah, Gabby and the "animals" then came out of the "mountain" and dance for returning to the dry land.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Squeeshes (2)

The “squeesh” has been the topic of the bed talk of Rebecca and Mommy.

“There are three types of squeeshes: Jungle Mania, Zoo Mania and Sea Mania.” Rebecca told Mommy.

“Each type of squeesh has different animals.” Rebecca continued to tell Mommy what animals they were.

“What type of squeesh do you think I like the most?” Rebecca asked Mommy.

“Sea Mania.” Mommy replied.

“How do you know?” asked Rebecca.

“I just know it,” said Mommy.

“Can we go to Bashas to buy some squeeshes some day? It’s 25 cents each.”

“Sure. We’ll go tomorrow.”

Rebecca’s desire was also Mommy’s desire. On the next day after picking up Rebecca and Gabby Mommy took them to Bashas. They found the vendor machines that sold squeeshes. Mommy bought four for Rebecca and four for Gabby. These little squeeshes were very cute. Rebecca and Gabby were very happy. Mommy was happy, too.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


On Monday Rebecca brought home two rubber animals. They were tiny. One was a pig, the other was a seahorse. Both were pink, soft and cute. Rebecca called them “Squeeshes.” They belonged to her friend, Angela, who kindly let Rebecca and other two friends take them home by turn. When Gabby got home she saw Rebecca was playing with the “Squeeshes.”

Gabby: I want that!
Rebecca: No!
Gabby: Mommy, Sister doesn’t give that to me!
Mommy: Could you give one “Squeesh” to Gabby?
Rebecca: No! She will lose it.
Gabby (crying): I want that!

Mommy: If you don’t want to share them with Gabby, you’d better put them away and don’t play with them in front of her.

Rebecca thought for a while. Then she began the following conversation with Gabby.

Rebecca: Say the magic words!
Gabby: Please!
Rebecca: Say “Please Rebecca, Angela, Alice and Sarah!”
Gabby: Please Rebecca, Angela, Alice and Sarah!
Rebecca: Say “I won’t lose it.”
Gabby: I won’t lose it.
Rebecca: Say “ I will give it back to you when I don’t want to play it any more.”
Gabby: I will give it back to you when I don’t want to play it any more.

Then Rebecca shared the “Squeesh” pig with Gabby. Mommy was happy that they worked out the problem by themselves.

Gabby Goes “Shopping”

Gabby carries one handbag in one hand and some “money” in another. She is going “shopping.” She comes to a “store,” in which Mommy and Rebecca are busy setting up the items.

Gabby: Ding-dong.
Mommy: The store is not open yet.

Gabby waits outside of the "store" very patiently. A few minutes later, the “store” is open. Gabby walks in. The “store” sells all kinds of things: toys, foods, books, pets. All the items have a price tag.

Mommy: Welcome to our store! What do you want to buy?
Gabby: I want that ball?
Mommy: How much is it?
Gabby (reading the price tag): Two dollars.
Mommy: Give me two dollars.

Gabby gave Mommy two “dollar bills,” and Mommy handed her the ball. Rebecca helped Mommy to put the money into the cashier register.

Mommy: What do you want to buy?
Gabby: I want that car?

Very soon Gabby bought all the toys. Then she began to buy foods. She bought all the vegetables, fishes and eggs.

Rebecca: Will she buy all the things in our “store?”
Mommy: Probably. She has a lot of "money."

But Gabby doesn’t buy everything in the “store.” She buys a book and then she wants to leave.

Mommy: Thank you for shopping with us. See you next time!

Mommy plans someday she and Rebecca will open a “shopping mall," which will consists of a few stores. Each store will be in a different room. Gabby will love it!