Friday, April 30, 2010

Round and Round the Garden

One day Rebecca sang:

"Round and round the garden
Like a teddy bear.
One step, two step,
Tickle you under there."

Gabby also sang:

"Round and round the garden
Like a teady bear.
One step, two step,
Tickle you underwear."

Mommy and Rebecca laughed. Gabby laughed, too. They all laughed, but for different reasons. Mommy and Rebecca laughed because Gabby changed "under there" to "underwear." Gabby laughed becuase she saw Mommy and Sister were laughing.

Sometimes Rebecca tickles Gabby under her arm when she sings this song. Gabby loves to be tickled and she always giggles.

Similar rhymes in Chinese were taught by Grandma. The following is an example:

"One rub,
Two rubs,
and three,
You're a good man
if you don't laugh."
(It does rhyme in Chinese although it doesn't after Mommy's translation. )

Different cultures do have commonalities.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Art Masterpiece

Rebecca’s piano teacher, Ms Judith, gave Rebecca a present. It was a Disney Princess coloring and drawing set, which had a few princess coloring pages, some crayons and water color paints, and a little paint brush.

On the next day after school Rebecca wanted to do some coloring using the water color paints. Mommy opened the coloring and drawing set. Rebecca took the paint brush. Seeing that, Gabby also wanted the paint brush. She cried.

“Sister’s first, and you’re next.” Mommy said.

It was Rebecca’s present. She got to use it first.

Gabby was still crying. Mommy was trying to find another paint brush for Gabby, but didn’t find it.

After a while Gabby stopped crying. She sat at the table and began to watch Rebecca painting a Cinderella picture, which was going to be pretty after done.

“You will paint after Sister is done.” Mommy told Gabby.

“I can wait.” Gabby said happily as if she didn’t cry a few minutes ago. What a surprise!

It took quite a while for Rebecca to finish that picture. She was very diligent. Gabby watched very patiently. After she was done, Rebecca gave the paint brush to Gabby. With Mommy’s help, Gabby painted a Mermaid picture, which was pretty, too. Gabby learned a new word "coral." Then it was Rebecca’s turn again. Gabby gave the paint brush back to Rebecca. No crying.

Suddenly an idea came to Mommy’s mind.

“This could be called Art Masterpiece.” Mommy said.

“Yes.” Rebecca agreed.

Art Masterpiece is a class at Rebecca’s school where the students do some art projects with real artists or parent volunteers.

At the next piano lesson Rebecca would have to tell Ms Judith she shared her present with her little sister and they had an Art Masterpiece lesson.

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Ms Daisy"

Ms Daisy is one of Gabby’s teachers. Another teacher is Ms Brook.

This was what happened one afternoon after Rebecca and Gabby were back home from their schools.

Gabby: “Friends, I’m Ms Daisy.”

“Ms Daisy” had some cards in her hands. She took one and asked her “students”.

Ms Daisy: “What’s this?”
Student: “It’s Sophia!”

“Ms Daisy” put down that card on a table. She took another one and asked again.

Ms Daisy: “What’s this?”
Student: “It’s Ryann!”


“Ms Daisy” was teaching her “students” to recognize their names. Gabby was both “Ms Daisy” and “student”. Yes, she was talking to herself.

The other day “Ms Daisy” was "reading" a book to one of her “students”, Daddy. It was “Three Little Kittens.” The three little kittens went out to play and lost their mittens. Mommy Cat spanked their bottoms. “Ms Daisy” wore an upset expression when she was "reading" this part. Her “student” was startled.

“Why did Mommy spank the little kittens?” The “student” asked.

“It was because the little kittens played so carelessly that they lost their mittens. ” With extraordinary calmness “Ms Daisy” answered the “student's” question.

“There was no food for them.” “Ms Daisy” continued.

“Mommy can’t do that!” The “student” protested. “Mommy must give them food!”

This probably was the first time for this “student” to listen to this story. So he had a lot of questions. He read the book himself and then told “Ms Daisy”, “Mommy gave them food. She just cut off their pies.”

The “student” was right. In the book it said there was no pie (which usually was a dessert after a meal) for the little kittens.

“They found their mittens!” Turning to the next page, “Ms Daisy” continued the story. She was excited for this part.


The “student” went to eat his dinner, leaving “Ms Daisy” alone on the couch.

“Friends, story time!” “Ms Daisy” was calling. She called for a few times.

Then one “student” went. It was Rebecca. Mommy was busy in the kitchen.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Gabby's First Gymnastic Lesson

“Gabby’s First Piano Lesson” was not really Gabby’s lesson. That was Rebecca’s lesson. Like Mommy, Gabby just went to watch. When she gets older, she will have piano lessons of her very own. She has long flexible fingers like Rebecca. She loves music. She likes playing piano because she plays at home sometimes. So Mommy believes she will love her own piano lessons in the very near future.

Unlike that piano lesson in which Gabby just watched but didn’t play piano, this gymnastic lesson, which Mommy called a lesson, was really Gabby’s lesson because she did gymnastic. But it was not a lesson, neither. It was a birthday party.

It was Ryann’s birthday party. Ryann is Gabby’s friend at La Petite Academy. The birthday party was held at Little Gym of Gilbert. Rebecca went, too. There were mats, bars, balance beams and rings in the Gym. Two Gym staff organized a couple of games, then most of the time the kids were allowed to free play in the Gym. Gabby didn’t like the games very much, but enjoyed the free play. She walked on the lower balance beam, did tumbling on the mats, and crawled over the bars. Her favorite was grapping a ring, dangling around and then jumped onto a mat. Gabby created her own ways to play the bar and ring, but it was ok. The first important job at a birthday party is to have fun. Gabby did that job and had a great time.

Rebecca had a great time, too. Mommy got to see her skills on the balance beam and bar. She could do jumping on the higher balance beam and rolling backwards on the bar.

Gabby’s first gymnastic "lesson" was fun.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gabby's First Piano Lesson

On Wednesday nights Rebecca has piano lessons. When she and Mommy leave for the piano lesson, Gabby also wants to go. Mommy knows Gabby would not stay quiet for the whole lesson. So she always tells Gabby that she would go when she gets older. “I am older now.” Gabby cries sometimes. Mommy feels sorry, but she can’t take her.

One day the opportunity came for Gabby to go with Mommy and Rebecca to the piano lesson. It was Friday. Rebecca had a competition at DVMTA on the next day. Her teacher, Ms Judith, wanted to give her an extra lesson before the competition. The lesson was set at 6:00 pm. Daddy couldn’t come home at that time. So Mommy had to take Gabby to the piano lesson. Gabby was very excited. She kept asking, “Am I going to Sister’s piano lesson?” Mommy said yes and told her she had to keep quiet during the lesson. If she wouldn’t listen, Mommy would take her out. Gabby understood and agreed.

They arrived at Ms Judith’s house a few minutes earlier. She was teaching another student who would attend the competition as well. Gabby sat with Mommy and Rebecca on the couch. She was quiet and behaved. When Ms Judith was done with that student, she asked, “Is it Rebecca’s piano lesson or Gabriella’s?” It was a joke. She then said Hi to Gabby, and Gabby said Hi back to her.

When Rebecca was taking her lesson, Mommy and Gabby did coloring together. They did coloring for a while, then Gabby was interested in the figurines on a coffee table. She wanted to play with them. She also wanted to go around in the house and do some exploration. Mommy stopped her. They did a little more coloring until Gabby didn’t want to do it any longer. Mommy told her she mustn’t move around. Then she said she wanted to go outside and play. Mommy wanted to listen to Rebecca playing piano and didn’t want to go outside at that moment. Gabby was bolder and bolder. Mommy then had to take her outside. Very soon Rebecca’s lesson was over.

After leaving Ms. Judith’s house, they headed for the church. On the way Mommy told Gabby she would not go to the piano lesson until she got older. Gabby understood and agreed. The first piano lesson wasn’t much fun.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birthday Party Invitation

What: Rebecca’s 8th Birthday Party
/Gabriella’s 3rd Birthday Party
When: May 8 (Saturday) 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Where: 2790 E Azalea Drive
Chandler, AZ 85286
RSVP to Hebi @ 480-208-6707
or By May 4th

Daddy Feeling a Little Lost

Isn’t it sweet to have your child call you at work and tell you she loves you and misses you? This was what happened to Daddy one day. After Mommy and Rebecca picked her up at La Petite Academy Gabby was upset and said she missed Daddy. So Mommy dialed Daddy’s phone number and let her talk to Daddy.

“Daddy, I miss you.” Gabby was crying on the phone.

Hearing that, Daddy was worried. After making sure she was not sick Daddy was very happy.

The same thing happened on the next day. Gabby called Daddy and told him she missed him. This time Daddy knew what happened. He was not worried, but happy.

Gabby didn’t call Daddy on the third day.

“Why didn’t Gabby call me today?” Daddy asked Mommy when he came home.

“Maybe she forgot.” Mommy said.

Daddy felt a little lost.

Gabby's Child Talks (4)

Gabby loves dogs. One day when they were riding bicycles in the community they met another family who was taking a walk with their dogs. Gabby was excited to see the dogs. “Hi, Doggy! What’s your name?” asked Gabby. All the people laughed.

Gabby loves to read. If she sees animals in a book, she will say the big animal is Mommy and the small one is the baby. If there are two small animals, she will say the other small one is the sister. If there are two big animals, she will say the other big one is Daddy. One day Mommy was reading a book to Gabby. On one page there were some dogs and one pig. Pointing to the dogs, Gabby said, “This is Mommy, this is Daddy, this is Sister, and this is Gabby.” There was still one dog left without a person related to it. After thinking for a little while, Gabby pointed to that dog and said, “This is Auntie!”

Gabby loves to color. She is very diligent when she is coloring a picture. One day she was coloring pictures when Mommy was cooking. “Mommy, I am drawing dinosaurs.” Mommy walked over to see the picture she was coloring. It was a picture of two cute dinosaurs. Gabby was coloring it with pink. Mommy was amazed to see Gabby drew all the color inside the lines. “Good job!” Mommy said. “This is Sister, and this is Gabby!” Gabby said, pointing to the dinosaurs. The two dinosaurs were the same size and didn’t look like Mommy and Baby. So they were sisters.

Gabby is good at identifying objects. Some objects in her coloring book are not easy for Mommy to tell, but Gabby can tell Mommy what they are. One day Gabby wanted to eat watermelon. Mommy took out the watermelon from the refrigerator. Then she used a spoon to scoop some watermelon for Gabby. Gabby watched while Mommy was doing that. “A giraffe!” Gabby said, pointing to the watermelon. “Is there a giraffe on the watermelon?” Mommy and Rebecca were puzzled, but soon they agreed after they saw what Gabby was pointing to. On the watermelon, there were some brownish scars. One of them was long shaped and did look like a giraffe.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Rebecca's Riddles

Q: Why did little Tom put his brother's guitar in the refrigerator?
A: Because he wanted some cool music.

Q: Why do dogs don't like sun bathe?
A: Because they don't want to be hot dogs.

Q: What word starts with t and ends with t and has t in it?
A: Teapot.

Q: How many feet are there in a yard?
A: It depends on how many people stand in the yard.

Q: What food is always hot even if you put it in the refrigerator?
A: Red pepper.

Q: A man and his horse went out for vacation on Friday. He stayed there for three days and came back on Friday. How did he do it?
A: He rode on his horse whose name was Friday.

Q: A man was locked in a room with a bed, a calendar and a piano. How did he eat, drink and get out?
A: The man drank from the springs of the bed, ate the dates of the calendar, and played the piano until he got the right key which he used to unlocked the door.

Q: A man was locked in a room with a table and a mirror. How did he get out?
A: First he looked at mirror to see what he saw and took the saw out of the mirror. He used the saw to cut the table in half and put the halves together to make a whole. Then he crawled out of the hole.

Q: A man was locked in an empty room. How did he get out?
A: He broke out with missiles (measles).

The Little Bicycle Warrior

Every time when Rebecca and Gabby put on their bicycle helmets and pads, Mommy felt like her princesses changed into warriors. Yesterday after watching how Gabby rode her bicycle, Mommy thought she was really a warrior – a bicycle warrior.

Yesterday after dinner Daddy and Mommy took Rebecca and Gabby to ride bicycles in their community. Rebecca wanted to go down the slopes at the playground area. She wanted Daddy to run after her because Supper Daddy could protect her at the slopes. So Mommy was with Gabby. To Mommy’s surprise, Gabby pedaled so fast that she had to run to keep up. “I am fast!” she was happy and talkative all the way.

They needed to cross a street to get to the playground area. When they came to the crossing point before Mommy told her to go from the sidewalk curb ramp, Gabby turned her bicycle right to the street. “Boom!” Her bicycle dropped down from the sidewalk, hit the ground and made a big sound. Her bicycle stumbled. Mommy gripped Gabby with one hand and her bicycle with another hand. While she was wondering if Gabby was alright she heard Gabby laughing.

Then they came to the slopes. Mommy thought Gabby might be scared, but she was wrong again. Gabby was very happy while she was going down the slopes. “Whee!” She laughed all the way down. Mommy ran by her side, but didn’t give any help. “I like sliding down.” She told Mommy.

This was not the end of the excitement yet. After the slopes, Gabby began to pedal very fast and left Mommy far behind. She didn’t slow down at a corner and her bicycle went off the sidewalk and right to the grass. She thought it was fun, though. “I am off to the grass!” She laughed cheerfully.

They played on the playground for a little while. On the way back home, Daddy challenged Rebecca and Gabby to make a turn right after a slope. Rebecca did a perfect turn. Gabby fell off to the grass, but she was still laughing.

Gabby is a little bicycle warrior – a happy and brave warrior.

(p.s. Rebecca is a warrior, too. Daddy and Mommy have observed her doing many difficult things with a lot of courage, such as piano competitions, skiing, monkey bars, rolling backwards on a gymnastic bar, just to name a few.)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Jaguar at the Waterfall

After "A Jaguar Family" was posted, the family made up a new play on Baby Jaguar.

Baby Jaguar was about to fall off from a waterfall.

Diego: Hold on, Baby Jaguar! I'm coming!

Baby Jaguar could not hold any longer. He fell off the waterfall.

Diego: Baby Jaguar, are you ok?

Diego threw a rope to Baby Jaguar.

Diego: Hold on the rope. I'll pull you up.

Baby Jaguar held on the rope. Diego pulled her up.

This play was made up by Rebecca and Gabby. They used Daddy and Mommy's bed as the waterfall. First Gabby was Baby Jaguar and Rebecca was Diego, and then they switched the parts. They played this for a few times until Diego fell off the waterfall as well. Then Dora came to their rescue. She came to the waterfall and threw a rope to Baby Jaguar and Diego. Baby Jaguar and Diego held on the rope. Dora pulled them up. Dora was acted by Mommy. She was always around to help "Baby Jaguar" and "Diego".

Gabby's Poster

Gabby's school wanted each student to turn in a family poster. Mommy made this one for Gabby. The scrapbooking paper was provided by the school. The seashells were picked by Gabby (with Rebecca and Mommy) at the Rocky Point beach.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Story of Kites

In the park of Tumbleweed,
Daddy saw some kites
flying high in the blue sky.
He wanted to buy a big kite
that would also fly high.
He would like to play the kite
with his two little sweet hearts.

Daddy bought a Tinker Bell kite
that was big and would fly high.
He couldn’t wait to see it fly.
He believed it would fly up in the blue sky.

The kite didn’t fly high, but why?
It was because the wind died.
The kite flew
when the wind blew.
The kite dropped
when the wind stopped.

Daddy believed his kite could fly
as long as the wind wouldn’t die.
He didn’t give up,
but tried and tried.
On a very windy day,
the kite flew high in the sky.
Everyone rejoiced
to see the kite flying high.

When he was a little child,
Daddy longed for a kite
that could fly high.
He made one by himself,
but it was too small to fly that high.

Now he had his first kite
that could fly high.
He was glad to share the excitement
with his two little sweet hearts.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Go Bicycling

Summer is here,
Days are longer,
It is still bright after supper.

“Go bicycling! Go bicycling!” Yells Rebecca.
“Go bicycling! Go bicycling!” Agrees Gabriella.
“Let’s go!” Says Daddy.
“Helmets and pads, please.” Reminds Mommy.

Rebecca’s helmet is Barbie,
And Gabriella’s Sponge Bob.
With helmets and pads on
They are now ready to go.

“I am scared!” Gabriella steps back.
“You're ok.” Daddy gently puts her on her bike.
Look! There are three wheels at the back.
Super Daddy is with you,
and you will certainly be alright.”

Gabriella starts to pedal with Daddy’s help.
Soon she knows how to pedal by herself.
She pedals away on her own.
“Way to go!” Daddy and Mommy clap.

Rebecca rides a bicycle without training wheels.
She knew how to ride her bicycle one year ago.
Mommy runs after her,
leaving Daddy and Gabriella alone.

Along the big loop, then the small one,
Rebecca pedals and Mommy runs.
They meet Daddy and Gabriella again
in front of their house.

It’s the time to go home,
But Gabriella wants to ride more.
“Two more minutes, that’s all!”

Bicycling is fun,
They can’t wait to do it again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The U in Jesus

This poem is cited from Rebecca's Keys for Kid. Rebecca thought it was a good one, so did Mommy.

Before U were thought of or time had begun,
God put U in the name of his son.
When U write his name,U will see it is true-
U cannot spell JesUs and not include U.

YoU're a big part of His Wonderful name!
For U he was born ; that's why he came.
His great love for U is the reason he died.
It even takes U to spell "crUcified."

Isn't if thrilling and splendidly grand
That He rose from the dead with U in His plan?
The stone rolled away; He arose - it is true,
And the word "resUrrection" is spelled with a U.

When JesUs left earth at His upward ascension,
He felt there as one thing He just had to mention.
"Go into the world. Tell them I love them, too.
Yes, I love them all - just like I love U."

So many names are spelled with a U,
Don't all have a right to know JesUs, too?
He'd like them to know, but it all starts with U -
It all depends now on what U will do.
- Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Families Are Forever!

Rebecca read the following poem at Arizona Olympian Gymnastics. She recited to Mommy. Mommy thought it was a good one. She asked Rebecca to write it down for her.

Ice cream melts, flowers wilt,
The leaves of autumn fall.
Sunsets fade, seasons change,
And children don't stay small.
Balloons pop, snow falls stop,
Do summers last? Never!
Weekends fly, today will die,
But families are forever!

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Good Job, Rebecca!"

- DVMTA Piano Competition

Summer comes early in Arizona. In early April, the weather is already as warm as 90⁰F. Mommy kind of likes the warm weather because the kids don’t get sick very often and she also can put beautiful summer dresses on her two princesses.

It was Saturday. The weather was warm. Rebecca had a piano competition in the morning. Mommy put on Rebecca the white dress Aunt Lu bought her. Her hair was combed into a bun. A little black jacket and black Mary Jane shoes matched the white dress and hair pretty well. Rebecca was as beautiful as a princess. Around 10:30 am, Daddy, Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby set out for Arizona Piano where the competition took place. Gabby fell asleep in the car. When she woke up, the first thing she asked was her sister's piano competition. She is a little fan of Rebecca. Daddy, Mommy, Aunti, Grandpa and Grandma are all Rebecca's fans, too.

The competition was organized by Desert Valley Music Teacher Association (DVMTA). It was grouped by the players' levels. Rebecca was in Level 6. The competition she participated one month ago was organized by East Valley Music Teacher Association (EVMTA) and that one was grouped by the ages. At that time Rebecca won the 3rd place in her group (7 and under).

They arrived at 11:00 am, about 30 minutes earlier than Rebecca’s time to play. There was no warm-up time before the competition. Rebecca met her friend, Jessica. Rebecca knew her at AWANA. She was about the same age as Rebecca but was in Level 2. She had already played her pieces and was waiting with her Mom for the results to be announced. Rebecca and Jessica were happy to see each other. They played together while waiting at the front desk area. They also met Rebecca He who was one and 1/2 years older than Rebecca but was also in Level 6. Mommy began to be aware that it would not be an easy competition for Rebecca.

Rebecca’s piano teacher, Ms Judith, also came to the competition site. She did that in all the competitions. Her students were glad to see her. If there was warm-up time, she would instruct her students to play their pieces right before the competition. This gave them a lot of support and encouragement.

The competition took place in a room with a piano and some judges. The contestants were numbered. The first contestant walked in to play. After he/she was done, he/she walked out and the second contestant walked in. Any other people were not allowed in. The glass door was covered with paper so that people outside can see nothing inside. This setup was different from that at EVMTA’s competition where the competition took place in a big room with a lot of seats and all the parents and friends were allowed to go in and listen. Rebecca said afterwards that when she was playing she imagined she was playing to Mommy just like she usually did at home.

Rebecca was the second one in her group to play. After the competition of her group began, Rebecca was allowed to wait right outside the room where the competition took place. Rebecca was nervous. Mommy thought it was good to be a little nervous because it could help her to concentrate. Holding Rebecca's hands, Mommy told her to play as if she played to Mommy at home. Mommy also told her it was ok if she made any mistake and Mommy would still be proud of her for getting through the competition.

Mommy and Ms Judith watched through the edges of the paper on the glass door when Rebecca was playing. In her mind Mommy asked God to help Rebecca not to make any mistake. She first played the Clementi piece and then the Chopin piece. She was wonderful. Mommy didn't notice any mistake. She thought it was the best performance she had ever heard. “Good job!” Ms Judith smiled and greeted Rebecca when she walked out of the competition room.

They left right after Rebecca played her pieces. Ms Judith said she would call Mommy. They went to a buffet restaurant for lunch. After lunch they went to swim at Fitness Works. In the evening Mommy called Ms Judith and got to know Rebecca didn’t get a prize this time. It was ok. Daddy and Mommy were still proud of her. The competition was not easy. Rebecca had worked hard to get to this level. Mommy told Rebecca this news. She was ok with this news, too.

No matter whether Rebecca got a prize or not, it was pleasant to dress her up like a princess and listen to her playing some beautiful music on a warm Saturday morning, wasn’t it? And also a wonderful lunch to enjoy after that.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"I Love You"

Recently Mommy noticed that Gabby spoke mean words sometimes.

One day in a car she said, "I love you, Mommy."

"I love you, too." Mommy said. She was very happy.

"Do you love me?" Hearing that Rebecca asked Gabby.

"No, I don't love you." Gabby said.

"Do you love Sisy?" Mommy asked her again.

"No, I don't love Sisy."

That was mean. Rebecca began to cry.

"You can't say you don't love Sisy. It hurts her feelings. She is crying. Say sorry and say you love her." Mommy commanded Gabby.

"Sorry. I love you!" Gabby said.

Rebecca stopped crying.

Some other mean words Gabby spoke were "I don't want Sisy ", or "I don't want Mommy", or "I don't want Daddy."

Another day when Gabby said she didn't want Mommy, Mommy decided that it was time to fix this problem. She told Gabby it was wrong to say that and then gave her discipline.

Gabby cried.

"I love you." Mommy said and gave Gabby a hug. "You can not say you don't want Mommy, or Daddy or Sisy. You can not say you don't love them, neither. Say you won't say that any more."

"I won't say that any more." Gabby said.

"Good girl! I love you." Mommy said and wiped off her tears.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hide and Seek

“One, Two, Three, Four, …, Nine, Ten! Ready or not, here I come!” Rebecca announced. She walked out of the living room, passed the kitchen and came to the family room. Immediately she found Mommy, who was hiding behind a curtain. It was easy because the curtain was bulging. But where was Gabby? Rebecca thought Gabby was with Mommy because she didn’t know how to play hide-and-seek yet and usually another person had to take her. But this time Gabby was not with Mommy. Mommy hid her behind the Bella Ballerina Dancing mat alone. Before Rebecca found her, Gabby stood up behind the mat and said, “I’m here!”

It was Mommy’s turn to be it. She counted to ten and then walked to the family room. There was Gabby curled under a coffee table. There was nothing under the coffee table to hide her. She might think nobody could see her because she could see nobody. As a matter of fact everyone in the room could see her. Seeing that, Mommy couldn’t help laughing.

“I see some hands. I see some feet. I see a little girl. I see Gabby!” Mommy said.

Gabby was happy to be found. She laughed and came out from under the coffee table. Where was Rebecca? Mommy found her behind the door in the bath room.

This was one of the many hide-and-seek games played by the family. When Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie were here for a visit, Rebecca and Gabby also liked to play hide-and-seek with them.

If there are any games that have been played from one generation to another, hide-and-seek is one of them. When Daddy, Mommy and Auntie were kids, they played it. When Grandpa and Grandma were kids, they played it. Now they play it with their kids and grandkids. In playing this game, they are all connected.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rebecca's Child Talks (3)

At age 3. One day on the way back home from work/school in the late afternoon, Daddy was driving, and Mommy and Rebecca rode in the back. Rebecca showed Mommy the crafts she made at school. They were a few drawings stapled together. On those drawings were God’s creations from day 1 to day 6. Rebecca was very excited at talking about her work. At the end, she said thoughtfully, “Creation is love!” Mommy was astonished at her perception.

At age 4. One day on the way to work/school in the morning, Mommy was driving and Rebecca rode in the back. It was near Easter. So they talked about the death of Jesus.

“Our hearts were broken when Jesus died on the cross.” Rebecca said.

Spoken from a pure heart, those words were so touching! Mommy knew God heard them, too.

At age 5. At the time when Gabby was born, Grandpa and Grandma came to visit. One day Grandpa was watching a video on the internet. It was an interview conducted by a news reporter with a famous Chinese writer. The reporter said to the writer, “I admire you very much, ….” The word “admire” in Chinese is the same as the word “worship”. Rebecca was watching that with Grandpa. Hearing that, she said, “He is wrong. We only worship God.”

At age 5. Daddy picked up Rebecca from Vacation Bible School (VBS) one day. On the way home, Rebecca was very excited. She told Daddy God loved her so much because when she prayed for a sister God gave her one. She was talking and talking, and Daddy was so touched.

At age 7. One day in the car Mommy and Rebecca were listening to music. Rebecca told Mommy she could play out that music on the piano after listening to it.

“You have a very good sense for music.” Mommy said.

“This is your talent.” Mommy continued, “It was God that gave you this talent. He will use your talent to serve Him one day.”

“How can I?” Rebecca asked.

“You know we sing songs to praise God at the church. You could play piano to accompany the singing. That is a way you could serve God. You could also produce music in CDs or something else telling people the love of God and His salvation. ” Mommy Said.

“As long as you have a willing heart, God will use you for his mission. Do you have a willing heart, like Donkey Ollie?” Mommy asked.

“Yes.” Rebecca said.

Mommy turned back from the driver’s seat and looked at Rebecca. She was smiling. Mommy smiled, too.

[Palsm 8:2] “From the lips of children and infants, you have ordained praise.”

[Matthew 19:14] “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”

[Matthew 18: 1-4] “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’”

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Goats

On a green prairie there lived a herd of goats in Year 3010 of the goat calender. Their names were Slow Goat, Happy Goat, Warm Goat, Beautiful Goat and Grumpy Goat. Slow Goat was the leader of the herd. There also lived a wolf, Big Grey Wolf, and his wife, Big Red Wolf. The wolves wanted to eat the goats. They thought very hard every day on how to catch the goats. The crafty wolves designed a lot of schemes to catch the goats. Therefore a lot of battles took place between the wolves and the goats. In those battles the clever goats could always escape from the wolves at the end. One day the Big Red Wolf complained to the Big Grey Wolf, “Most of the time you didn’t catch any goat. Sometimes you did, but we never ate them (because they always escaped).”

This is the story that happened in Happy Goats, a cartoon movie series.

On a green desert there live a family in Year 2010 of the human calendar. They are Daddy, Mommy and two lovely girls, Rebecca and Gabby. They love to watch Happy Goats. They also like to act them. Rebecca likes to act Happy Goat because he always had brilliant ideas to escape from the wolves and also to rescue his fellow goats from the wolves. Gabby likes to act Beautiful Goat because she was beautiful and cute.

One day seeing the two “goats” hid in a quilt in the bed, Mommy was then acting the Big Grey Wolf.

“Goats, Ah Goats! Don’t be scared! I’m the Big Grey Wolf, the king of wolves.” The “Big Grey Wolf” sung. She came to the bed and lifted up the quilt.

“Don’t eat us! You Big Grey Wolf!” The two “goats” said in "fear".

“You’re so lovely! How can I eat you? I won’t eat you. I want you to be my daughters!” The “Big Grey Wolf” said.

Would the “goats” become daughters of the “wolf”? Certainly this ending never happened in the movie.

It was spring. On a windy day the wind blew hard on the trees in the back yard. It’s a day for the kids to play kites in the park. It’s a day for the wolves to prey. Inside the house everything was usual for the family. In the late afternoon Rebecca went to her gymnastic class. Mommy was filling the tax return forms, and Gabby was playing by herself.

After playing for a while, Gabby said to Mommy, “Lao Po, I am home!”

“Lao Po” was the nick name Big Grey Wolf called his wife, Big Red Wolf. Hearing that, Mommy knew Gabby was acting the Big Grey Wolf. So she had to act the Big Red Wolf.

“Did you catch any goat?” The “Big Red Wolf” asked.


“Go to catch some goats!”


The “Big Grey Wolf” ran away. The “Big Red Wolf” wondered what goat she would catch.

“Lao Po, I am home!”

“Did you catch any goat?”


The “Big Red Wolf” looked. In her hands, the “Big Grey Wolf” was holding a baby doll.

“I’ll go to catch more.” The “Big Grey Wolf” put down the baby doll and ran away again. A few seconds later she was back with a stuffed animal in her hands.

The “Big Grey Wolf” was busying catching “goats” while the "Big Red Wolf" was working on her tax return forms.

Daddy was home early. Was that because it was a windy day? Probably. He took the "Big Grey Wolf" to play the kite in Tumbleweed Park. In the park, they flew their Tinker Bell kite high up in the sky.

These are some stories that happened in the family who love Happy Goats.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Baby Again

One day when Mommy opened a cabinet in the kitchen, Gabby saw a baby bottle that she used when she was a baby. She wanted Mommy to give her that bottle. Mommy did. She wanted Mommy to put some water in the bottle. Mommy also did that. Then she began to suck the bottle like a baby. Daddy, Mommy and Rebecca all laughed.

On the next day at the bedtime when Mommy was washing her face or something in the bathroom, Rebecca called her from the bedroom. There was something interesting happening in the bedroom. Rebecca wanted her to come over and see it. After finishing her business, Mommy walked over to the bedroom. In the rocking chair, Mommy saw that Rebecca was holding Gabby in her arms. She was feeding Gabby the bottle. With her eyes closed, Gabby was pretending she was a little baby. It was so funny! Mommy hurried downstairs to get the camera. She took pictures of this funny moment.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Four Little Chicks - By Rebecca

Sunshine, Nugget, Foggy and John Jr.

One day my class went to Mrs. Robbin's class to see their chicks and say Good-bye to Mrs Robins. She was moving to South Carolina (or maybe North Carolina).

When we got to her class we wished her a good moving time. We ate cookies first. Then some of Mrs Robin's students took the chicks out. Their names were Sunshine, Nugget, Foggy and John Jr. Sunshine was yellow, Nugget was the color of chicken nuggets, foggy was gray and John Jr. was black. Those names fit them well. I held each one of them at least once. Foggy and John Jr could stand on my finger!

Finally it came the time to leave Mrs. Robin's class and back to our own. I had a great time with the chicks and will never forget them.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rebecca's Child Talks (2)

At age 4. Mommy went to Tempe Christian School for a Thankgiving Lunch with Rebecca. Upon seeing Mommy, Rebecca ran to her. Rebecca's friend, Alexis, also ran to Mommy. At that moment, Rebecca didn't want to share her Mommy with anyone else. She said, "This is my Mommy! Not your Mommy!"

At age 4. One day Rebecca was sick and Mommy stayed home with her.
Rebecca: "I like to be sick."
Mommy: "How come?"
Rebecca: "Because I can stay with you at home."
Mommy felt very sorry. She gave Rebecca a hug.

At age 4. One day after dinner Mommy and Rebecca were taking a walk on the community's sidewalk.
Rebecca: "How long will you live?"
Mommy: "I don't know. 80 or 90, probably."
Rebecca: "I don't want you to die. I want you to live with me forever."
Mommy: "I'll live with you for as long as I can, but nobody can live forever."
Rebecca: "Where will you go after you die."
Mommy: "Heaven. I will be with God in heaven."
Rebecca: "Can I go to heaven after I die?"
Mommy: "Yes, you can as long as you believe in Jesus."
Rebecca (excitedly): "Then we will be together again."
Mommy: "Yes. And we will be together forever."

At age 5. One day at bath time Daddy made fun of Mommy's saggy belly (a non-malicious joke). Hearing that, Rebecca defended for Mommy, "That's because she gave birth to me and Gabby." A big smile appeared on Mommy's face immediately.