Monday, May 10, 2010

The Birthday Party 2010

It was the 8th day of May. A birthday party was held for Rebecca and Gabby. The details of the party are as follows.

About two month ago Mommy and Rebecca decided to have a birthday party. They chose the theme of the party to be “camping and water.” They had a play pool and a tent already, but they needed to rent or buy a water slide. They decided to buy one because they can use it later.

About one month before the party, Daddy and Mommy started to search a water slide on the internet. Finally they bought one from the on-line Wal-Mart. It was delivered to the local Wal-Mart. Daddy, Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby all went to pick it up.

About two weeks before the party the invitations were sent out. Rebecca designed the cover, and Mommy took care of the editing and printing.

One week before the party Auntie came to visit. She helped cleaning the house and the patio.

Three days before the party Daddy and Mommy bought party supplies: drinks, goody bags, table cloths, plates, cups, napkins, candles and ribbons. Auntie bought flowers.

One day before the party they started to decorate the house.

On the very day of the party in the morning they continued to decorate the house. Rebecca put ribbons on the rails. Auntie put ribbons above the dome structures. Daddy and Auntie set up the tent, play pool and water slide in the backyard. Rebecca went to her dance lesson at 10:30 am. Mommy dropped her at the dance school and then went for grocery shopping. After the dance lesson Mommy and Rebecca went to buy birthday cookies. They bought two - one for Rebecca and another one for Gabby. Daddy bought balloons. In the afternoon, Rebecca and Gabby’s friends came and the party started. It went from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

The kids played water first. They played water guns and the water slide. They screamed, laughed and talked loudly in the backyard. The loud noise could be heard hundreds of feet away. Daddy was spraying water, Auntie was taking pictures, and Mommy was cooking in the house. After they got tired and hungry by playing water, the kids came inside and ate the birthday cookies. After birthday cookies they went to play in the tent. After a little while, they were called to come inside to have dinner. Mommy cooked fried rice and beef stew. Daddy bought pizza. After dinner, they sat down on the couch to watch the movie “Narnia” until their parents came to pick them up.

Rebecca and Gabby’s friends who came to the party were the following: Chloe, Aly, Alexa, Dilanah, Julia, Amy, QiQi and KaiKai. Four of them (Chloe, Aly, Alexa and Dilanah) were Rebecca’s classmates, the others were Rebecca and Gabby’s friends at the church. After the invitation were sent out, the response was low at first. Mommy prayed for four kids from Rebecca’s class, and it turned out to be exactly four! Dilanah didn't respond. Mommy was amazed to see her at the front door with Chloe and Aly (Alexa came a little later). Because of her coming, the number was exactly what Mommy prayed for. Praise God!

It was a great party. Rebecca, Gabby and their friends all had fun. When the party was over, Daddy, Mommy, Auntie, Rebecca and Gabby were all tired. They were happy at the same time. Auntie left on the next day. The party couldn’t be so great without her. Daddy, Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby wish her the best.

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