Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Summer Plan

Since she was a baby Gabby has been going with Mommy to drop and/or pick up Rebecca from her Dance or Gymnastics class. She watches her sister walking into the building from her seat. Sometimes Mommy takes her inside so that she can watch kids dancing or doing gymnastics. She knows she will do the same thing when she grows up.

Being three years old is big. One day when Gabby and Mommy dropped Rebecca at her Gymnastics class, Gabby told Mommy: “I have grown up. I want to do Gymnastics!” She was so determined that Mommy had to take her inside to take a look. She was very excited and trying to do gymnastics with the other kids. In order not to disturb the classes that were taking place, Mommy had to take her back to the car.

Another day when Gabby and Mommy dropped Rebecca at her Dance School (for the Spring performance rehearsal) Gabby wanted to go to dance along with Rebecca, but Mommy did not let her in this time. She was upset and kept telling Mommy she wanted to dance Ballet as well. When they got home, Mommy played for her the video “Bella Dancerella”. She also put on her the dancing shoes Rebecca used to wear. Gabby watched this video before, but this time she was totally attracted. When it was over, she wanted to play it again. She watched it a few times. The next day when they got home in the afternoon the first thing Gabby wanted to do was to put on the dancing shoes and watch "Bella Dancerella."

Mommy was moved by Gabby’s passion on Gymnastics and Dance. After discussing with Daddy, she signed up gymnastics classes for both Rebecca and Gabby for this summer. Their classes will meet at the same time. So they will do gymnastics at the same time. However, Rebecca has no dance class during the summer. So Gabby still needs to get older to go to dance with her sister. Mommy has signed up ice skating classes for them. Their ice skating classes will also meet at the same time. Gabby will go ice skating with her sister instead. Both Rebecca and Gabby are very excited about gymnastics and ice skating. They will go to the same school during the day time as well. Maybe Gabby doesn’t care what she does as long as she does it with her sister, and to do what her sister does is what she really cares.

The summer (in the school calendar) begins next week when Rebecca's school is over. Daddy and Mommy also plans to take Rebecca and Gabby to swim and camp. They will be busy this summer.

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