Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Police Girl

Gabby recently learned that the car had to stop when it came to a red light and it could go when the light turned to green. She watches for the red light and warns Daddy or Mommy to stop when she sees one.

Yesterday Mommy took Gabby and Rebecca to Hamilton Swimming Pool. They had a lot of fun at the pool. On the way back home Mommy turned left at an intersection when the light was yellow. It was alright for the traffic regulations, but not alright for Gabby. She thought Mommy should stop and wait for the green light. She felt ashamed and cried for Mommy's "misbehavior." She kept crying no matter what Mommy said to her.

Today she still remembers Mommy's "misbehavior" yesterday.

"Mommy, we went to swim yesterday and you didn't listen. You kept going when the light was yellow. I want you to stop and wait for the green light!"

What a police girl!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Bead Pets

These are the seven bead pets Rebecca and Mommy have made: a frog, a dog, a cat , a rabbit, a gecko, a dragonfly, and a chick. Are they cute? The beads are the birthday present from Miranda.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

If You Give Gabby A Rope

If you give Gabby a rope, she'll want to do jump rope with you. She'll hold one end and let you hold the other end. Then you'll flip the rope with her. This is how she does jump rope.

After the jump rope, she'll want to play Donkey Ollie with you. She'll be Donkey Ollie who was thrown into a well by her brothers. You'll pull her up using the rope. Then you'll be Donkey Ollie, and she'll pull you up.

After Donkey Ollie, she'll want to play horse rides. You'll crawl on the floor like a horse. She'll tie the rope on you and ride on your back. When she pulls the rope, you'll say "Neigh" and pull your upper body upright. She'll laugh happily on your back.

After the horse rides, she'll want to play doggie. You'll crawl like a doggie. She will tie the rope on you and take you for a walk. Fortunately she does not ride on the doggie.

After the walk, you'll get tired and want to put that rope away from Gabby and tell her no more rope today.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Gabby's Child Talks (6)

Spider Crawls
In the morning Daddy wakes up Gabby by giving her a massage on her back. After waken up, Gabby gets up and goes to Potty. Then she comes back to the bed and wants some more massage before letting Daddy change her clothes. She calls Daddy's massage "spider crawls."

"Mommy, Drink Some Water! "
Last night Mommy was playing with Gabby. After a while, Gabby stopped and ran to the refrigerator. She took a mug and got some water from the refrigerator. She drank some and then gave the mug to Mommy.

"Mommy, drink some water, or your nose will be dry."

What a sweet girl!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day 2010

- By Rebecca

My Dad likes to go to Fitness Works. He likes to eat. He picks me up and swings me around.

Sometimes my Dad takes me to Fitness Works.

The thing I like to do best with my Dad is swimming and tennis.

If my Dad could take a trip to anywhere in the world, he would go to China because his parents are there.

If my Dad had a whole day to do anything at all he would work.

My Dad's favorite food is ice cream.

If I had lots of Money I would buy my Dad a house with furniture and a car.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Recently Rebecca is fascinated with Oragami. She wants Mommy to write a blog about it. She mentioned that a couple of times. Mommy doesn't know much about Oragami. To make her wish come true, Mommy did the following interview with her.

Mommy: What is Oragami?
Rebecca: It's an art that uses paper to fold objects.

Mommy: Why are you interested in Oragami?
Rebecca: Because it is fun. It is fun to look at the object I make when it is done.

Mommy: What objects can you make?
Rebecca: All kinds of things, such as rose, lily, water lily, water lotus, shrimp, crane, Christmas tree, piano, just to name a few.

Mommy: What do you use to make your Oragami objects?
Rebecca: All kinds of paper that is not used, such as my used homework sheet and Gabby's daily school report.

Mommy: How often do you make Oragami objects?
Rebecca: Whenever I have a piece of paper I'll fold it into an Oragami object. I do it at home, at school, and in the car.

Mommy: How many Oragami objects you have made?
Rebecca: A lot.
(This is true. There are Oragami objects everywhere at home.)

Mommy: How do you learn it?
Rebecca: From the internet. Also from my friends at the summer camp.

Mommy: When did you become interested in Oragami?
Rebecca: I was about seven and a half years old. One day at my drawing class a boy named David brought a book about Oragami. He made an Oragami flower basket. I thought it was cute, and then I became interested in Oragami. I started to search on the internet on how to make Oragami objects and follow the instruction to make those objects on my own.

Mommy: What is the hardest Oragami object you have learned so far?
Rebecca: Lily and water lotus.

Mommy: What is your wish about Oragami?
Rebecca: I wish to write a book about it some day.

Oragami Water Lotuses Made by Rebecca

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The High Dive

Jumping from a high dive board sounds scary, but Rebecca did it! She was very excited about it and felt very proud of herself.

On her first trip to the swimming pool with the summer camp team Rebecca saw some kids jumping from the high dive board, but she didn’t. The high dive board was too high for her. But jumping from it looked so fun. She would give it a try on the next swimming trip.

One day passed. There would be another swimming trip on the next day. At the evening on the way to the piano lesson Rebecca told Mommy she wanted to list a few things that could help her jump from the high dive board. Mommy told her the following:

1. Close your eyes.
2. Say “I can do it!” to yourself.
3. Say “God, help me!”

Rebecca concluded the last two into this:

“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”

She read this on the wall of the girl’s restroom. She said she would jump while keeping her eyes closed and saying this sentence to herself. Great idea!

On the next day Rebecca didn’t jump. It’s because she was not given the chance. She didn’t have parent permission to take a swim test. Without taking the swim test, she can’t go the deep water and the high dive. She took the swim test on her first trip and passed it, so everybody (i.e., Daddy, Mommy and herself) thought there would not be any problem. But that day they went to a different pool and Rebecca needed to take the swim test by the staff at that pool. She had worked so hard in her mind. What a pity!

“That’s okay!” Mommy said, “You’ll have chance next week!”

A few days passed. There would be a swimming trip again on the next day. At bedtime Rebecca told Mommy her fear of the high dive board. They prayed. They asked God to help Rebecca and take away her fear.

“I am still scared.” Rebecca couldn’t fall asleep.

“We have prayed. God has listened and he will help you and he will take away your fear. Trust in God!” Mommy said.

“I trust in him, but I am still scared. How can he take away my fear?”

“If Mommy tells you she will pick you up at school or at the bus stop, she will. If God says he will help you, he will. We don’t know how he will do it, but we know he will.”

“Now all I am thinking about is the high dive. I can’t stop thinking of it.”

“Think about your fear is a backpack. Now you give this backpack to God. It’s so heavy for you to carry. God is stronger and he can carry it for you. By giving it to God, you don’t think about it any more. Think about something really fun, like the fairytales play, or your birthday party.”

Then Rebecca and Mommy started to talk about the fairytales play. Very soon Rebecca fell asleep.

Then on the next day it happened as written in the beginning of this blog. A friend told her not to look at the water but the palm tree by the pool, and it helped her.

When asked how she felt, Rebecca said, “I felt I was sky diving."

Praise God! He helped Rebecca and took away her fear. He did that through that friend. Thank you, friend!

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Little Conversation

Gabby: I’m awake.
Mommy: Get up.
Gabby: I want to change to the pink dress.
Mommy: You have the ice skating lesson today. You can’t wear the dress.
Gabby: I don’t want to skate.
Mommy: Don’t worry. Mommy will hold your hands to skate.
Gabby: I don’t want to skate.
Mommy: You won’t fall.
Gabby: I don’t want to skate.


Mommy: Ok. Let’s put on your pink dress.

Mommy started to put on the pink dress on Gabby.

Mommy: You can skate with your pink dress on. Do you want to skate?
Gabby: Yes. I want to skate.
Mommy: You’ll skate with your dress on then.
Gabby (excitedly): A little kid like me can skate! I won’t fall.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hatching an Egg

Gabby hatched an egg.

It’s true.

One day Mommy wanted to cook some egg for dinner. She took out the egg carton from the refrigerator, opened the egg carton, and took out one egg. Seeing that, Gabby ran to Mommy. She grabbed the egg from Mommy’s hands.

“I want to hatch the egg.” Gabby said.

“Ok!” Mommy stepped aside and watched.

Gabby took the egg and a bowl. She hit the egg on the edge of the bowl. Nothing happened. She hit harder. Then there was a little crack on the egg shell. She put the egg in the bowl and smashed it.

“I hatched it.” She exclaimed.

“Great job!” Mommy said. She then had to remove the egg shell from the bowl.

Hatching an egg is not that hard, isn’t it? Who says that a chicken is necessary when hatching an egg? Not every egg can be hatched to give birth to a chicken. Some don't, like the one Gabby hatched.

Apple Boat

Rebecca's summer camp team makes two trips to the public swimming pools every week. Before each trip Mommy put the sunscreen in her bag and tells her to put it on her face, arms and legs before going into the water.

On the day of Rebecca’s first swimming trip, on the way back home Mommy asked Rebecca if she put on Sunscreen. Rebecca said she did, but she asked why Mommy didn’t put Banana Boat (a brand of sunscreen) in her bag. Well, that’s because Mommy couldn’t find it.

Hearing Mommy and Rebecca’s conversation, Gabby said, “I want Apple Boat!”

“Apple Boat? Do you want Banana Boat?” Mommy asked her.

“No. I like Apple Boat.”


At evening Gabby asked Mommy to take her to swim, and she wanted Apple Boat.

Gabby's Apple Boat is a boat like an apple, maybe. She was probably thinking of a real boat when she heard Mommy and Rebecca talking about swimming and Banana Boat. How cute!

Bugga Bugga

Bugga is not a word you can find its meaning in a dictionary. It means “bug.” It was created in Dora the Explorer. There is an episode called “Bugga Bugga,” in which Dora and Boots helps a Mama Bugga bring a giant cookie to her baby Buggas. How much Mama Bugga loves her Baby Buggas!

After watching that episode, Mommy got new names for her two sweethearts. She calls them Buggas: Big Bugga and Little Bugga. Why? The reasons are as follows:

First of all, the Baby Buggas in the Dora Explorer movie are so cute. So are Rebecca and Gabby.

Second, Mommy loves Rebecca and Gabby just like that Mama Bugga loving her Baby Buggas.

Third, Rebecca and Gabby love their Mommy so much that they always like to be with her. Sometimes Mommy called them “following bugs.” Now Bugga is a better word because it sounds sweet while “bug” sounds annoying. Rebecca and Gabby are not annoying to Mommy at all.

Rebecca and Gabby call Mommy “Mama Bugga” in return. They have given “Mama Bugga” many privileges on certain things at certain times, such as diaper changing, feeding, just to name a few. If “Dada Bugga” offers to do that, Baby Bugga (either Big Bugga or Little Bugga) would say, “No. I want Mommy to do that!”

Buggas are not annoying. They are fun!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello, Tri-City!

The first day of Rebecca and Gabby at Tri-City went well. In the morning Daddy dropped them. Gabby was excited about going to the same school as her sister. Her excitement last until she got to her classroom. She started to cry for Mommy after she met her new teachers and new classmates, but Mommy was at work at that time. In the afternoon when Mommy picked her up, the teacher said Gabby ate and took a nap and did well for the first day.

Rebecca did great for the first day as well. The class went to Phoenix Zoo. When Mommy saw her in the cafeteria she was wearing a Tri-City T-shirt which was down to her thigh. She was wet because she ran through the sprinklers at the zoo. She told Mommy she made new friends.

On the way home Mommy asked Gabby if she liked her new school. The answer was yes. Then Mommy asked her if she wanted to go to her new school on the next day. She said yes again.

Rebecca’s summer camp has lots of fun activities. In every week there are two trips to the public swimming pools and two trips to other places. Next week they will go to Polar Ice where Rebecca and Gabby take their ice skating lessons.

“Can I go to the summer camp every day?” Rebecca asked Mommy. She didn’t want to miss any fun activity, but she was worried that Mommy might not let her go every day.

“Yes!” Mommy gave her a positive answer.

Daddy and Mommy are happy that Rebecca and Gabby love Tri-City. Rebecca only goes here for the summer camp. When the school starts she will go back to her school. Gabby will continue to stay here until she is old enough for kindergarten.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Farewell to La Petite

Last Friday was the last day of Gabby at La Petite Academy. This week she and Rebecca both go to Tri-City. After being told she would go to a different school and her sister would go to that school as well, Gabby was very excited about it.

Gabby started at La Petite in August 2009. She went half day for the first month and then full day after Grandma left. She was in early preschool class. Her teachers were Ms Brook and Ms Daisy. She liked them both. In the morning when Daddy dropped her at school Ms Brook sometimes was serving breakfast in another classroom with bigger kids. Gabby would knock the door. Then Ms Brook would come to the door and say “Good Morning” to her. Daddy said to Mommy several times that he thought Ms Brook was a nice teacher. Ms Brook left around 3:00 pm. Mommy rarely saw her in the afternoon. She saw Ms Daisy most of the time. Gabby liked to look at the pictures of Ms Daisy and Ms Brook on the wall of the front desk when she left the school in the afternoon.

Gabby had two good friends at La Petite: Anthony and Vincent. They spoke Chinese to each other at school. Mommy and Rebecca heard Vincent singing the song in “Happy Goats.”

One day when Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby were leaving the school they saw through the fence Anthony and other kids playing on the playground. Mommy said, "Look, Anthony is there!" Gabby felt offensed and said, “He’s my Anthony!”

Gabby went to Anthony’s birthday party which was at Makutu’s Island. Vincent went, too. But the three of them only played together for a little while. They wanted to stick with their own parents. Gabby wanted to play the token machines instead of the slides. They were still little kids after all.

On Ryann’s birthday party at Little of Gilbert Mommy found out from Anthony's Mommy that Anthony went to the same Day Care as Gabby prior to going to La Petite. He was that “DuDu” because his Chinese name is “Liu Xiaodu.” Vincent’s nick name is “Congcong.” Gabby called them “Liu Xiaodu” and “Congcong” sometimes.

Overall Gabby had a great time at La Petite. Farewell, La Petite!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Farewell to Riggs

Last Wednesday was Rebecca's last day of school before the summer break. At evening they had an end-of-the-year party at a student's house. His name is Logan Sandlin. They swam and played water slides. Daddy, Mommy and Gabby went to the party, too. They all had a great time. At the end of the party Rebecca said Good-bye to her teacher and friends. She will not see her teacher and some friends very often because next school year she will go to Ryan. Some of her friends will go to Ryan, too. But some will go to Santan, and some will stay at Riggs.

Rebecca started in the gifting program in the second grade. Because of the small number of the second-grade students who passed the gifting test, the school district had to form the gifting class by putting together the gifted students from several schools, and placed this class at Riggs Elementary School. A lot more students passed the gifting test and will join the gifting program in the third grade, so the school district will form more gifting classes and will place them in different schools. The students will go to the schools closest to their homes for the third grade. The closest school to Rebecca's home is Ryan where she went for her kindergarten and the first grade.

Rebecca's second-grade teacher was Ms Friedly. She got married at the third quarter and changed her name to Mrs Mowery. She gave Friedly Bucks to the students who did something good. The students can use Friedly Bucks to buy things at the Friday Store. She didn't give much homework, though.

Rebecca's best friends were Chloe, Delinah and Aly. She went to their birthday parties, and they came to hers, too. Chloe and Delinah will go Santan next year, but Aly will go to Ryan with Rebecca. They all rode the same school bus except Aly. This school bus was dedicated to their class and a few other students. Because the students live in several different school boundaries, they had to spend a long time on the school bus. It seemed that they had a great time together on the school bus. Sometimes Rebecca can get her homework done. The bus driver was a nice person. In the afternoon he always waited until he saw Mommy.

Some big events in the second grade, as Mommy remembers, include the following:

Spider project - Rebecca made a spider using play dough and a web using a shoe box and white yarn.

Charlotte's Web play - Rebecca acted the spider Charlotte in the play.

Gingerbread house building - The students made gingerbread houses before Christmas.

Weather forecast play and science fair - Rebecca was a guest speaker in the play. She showed the "audience" how to knit a scarf. The play was videoed and shown at the Science Fair.

Country report - Rebecca worked on the country of China. She helped put together the information about China.

Field trip to Phoenix Zoo - The class went to Phoenix Zoo to watch the animals and get some ideas on their animal research project.

Animal research project - Rebecca did research on Fennec Fox. She wrote a book for Mother's Day gift. She also stitched a picture of a Fennec Fox.

Talent Show - Rebecca passed the audition and played piano on the show.

Fairtales play - Rebecca played in two plays: "Cinderella Visits the Shoe Store and Gets a Pair of Air Jordans" and "The Big Bad Wolf Goes to the Doctor to Find out Why He Can't Puff Any More."

The second grade at Riggs was fun! Farewell, Riggs!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Little Puzzle Lover

“Good job, Daddy!” Gabby said to Daddy. She was playing a puzzle with him, and he just put one piece into the right place.

After a while Gabby also put a piece into the right place.

“Daddy, say ‘Good job’ to me!”


Gabby loves to play puzzles. Sometimes Mommy plays with her. Sometimes Daddy plays with her. Sometimes she plays by herself.

The first puzzle she solved was the Numbers 1-10 Puzzle. She was younger than 2 years old when she did that.

Besides the ability of good understanding of patterns and relationships, solving a puzzle needs patience and perseverence. Mommy is amazed to see some of them on Gabby.

Good job, Gabby!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

From Bumble Bee to Canary Fairy

The last Saturday in May was a big day. That day Rebecca had a Dance Recital. Rebecca was excited in the morning when she woke up. She was a little nervous, too. Mommy did a little prayer for her and told her that God would help her with her performance. The performance was at 6:30 pm, but the full dress rehearsal started at 2:00 pm. Mommy combed her hair into a bun, and then Daddy and Gabby dropped her at the theater before the rehearsal started. She took a sleeping bag with her so that she could rest during the intervals.

This was the third time for Rebecca to participate in the annual Dance Recital. The first time she danced a little bumble bee, the second time a swan princess, and this time a canary fairy. In the previous two years Daddy, Mommy and Gabby all went to watch her performance. Considering Gabby would not behave in the theater, this year only Mommy went to watch the performance.

Rebecca was very cute. From the bumble bee to the canary fairy Mommy could see her progress in dance. She made friends, too. Mommy bought her flowers. They got home at 9:00 pm. Rebecca was very tired, but happy. She enjoyed her performance, so did Mommy.