Saturday, June 5, 2010

Farewell to Riggs

Last Wednesday was Rebecca's last day of school before the summer break. At evening they had an end-of-the-year party at a student's house. His name is Logan Sandlin. They swam and played water slides. Daddy, Mommy and Gabby went to the party, too. They all had a great time. At the end of the party Rebecca said Good-bye to her teacher and friends. She will not see her teacher and some friends very often because next school year she will go to Ryan. Some of her friends will go to Ryan, too. But some will go to Santan, and some will stay at Riggs.

Rebecca started in the gifting program in the second grade. Because of the small number of the second-grade students who passed the gifting test, the school district had to form the gifting class by putting together the gifted students from several schools, and placed this class at Riggs Elementary School. A lot more students passed the gifting test and will join the gifting program in the third grade, so the school district will form more gifting classes and will place them in different schools. The students will go to the schools closest to their homes for the third grade. The closest school to Rebecca's home is Ryan where she went for her kindergarten and the first grade.

Rebecca's second-grade teacher was Ms Friedly. She got married at the third quarter and changed her name to Mrs Mowery. She gave Friedly Bucks to the students who did something good. The students can use Friedly Bucks to buy things at the Friday Store. She didn't give much homework, though.

Rebecca's best friends were Chloe, Delinah and Aly. She went to their birthday parties, and they came to hers, too. Chloe and Delinah will go Santan next year, but Aly will go to Ryan with Rebecca. They all rode the same school bus except Aly. This school bus was dedicated to their class and a few other students. Because the students live in several different school boundaries, they had to spend a long time on the school bus. It seemed that they had a great time together on the school bus. Sometimes Rebecca can get her homework done. The bus driver was a nice person. In the afternoon he always waited until he saw Mommy.

Some big events in the second grade, as Mommy remembers, include the following:

Spider project - Rebecca made a spider using play dough and a web using a shoe box and white yarn.

Charlotte's Web play - Rebecca acted the spider Charlotte in the play.

Gingerbread house building - The students made gingerbread houses before Christmas.

Weather forecast play and science fair - Rebecca was a guest speaker in the play. She showed the "audience" how to knit a scarf. The play was videoed and shown at the Science Fair.

Country report - Rebecca worked on the country of China. She helped put together the information about China.

Field trip to Phoenix Zoo - The class went to Phoenix Zoo to watch the animals and get some ideas on their animal research project.

Animal research project - Rebecca did research on Fennec Fox. She wrote a book for Mother's Day gift. She also stitched a picture of a Fennec Fox.

Talent Show - Rebecca passed the audition and played piano on the show.

Fairtales play - Rebecca played in two plays: "Cinderella Visits the Shoe Store and Gets a Pair of Air Jordans" and "The Big Bad Wolf Goes to the Doctor to Find out Why He Can't Puff Any More."

The second grade at Riggs was fun! Farewell, Riggs!

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