Friday, March 26, 2010

Rebecca's Scratch

Rebecca went to Gabby’s school during her spring break. She and her new friend Allyson liked to play scooters on the playground. Those were skateboard scooters. One day she showed Mommy how she played it. First she bent down and held on the handles, and then she pushed the scooter and ran with it. When she came to a slope she jumped onto the scooter and slid down the slope. It looked fun. Mommy thought she would like it when she was at Rebecca’s age.

One day at bath time, Rebecca showed Mommy the bruises on her knees. She got them when she was playing scooter. She fell to the ground when she was trying to jump onto the scooter. Mommy asked if she cried and the answer was no. She said they didn’t hurt so much. Hearing the ease in her tone when she talked about her bruises, Mommy realized that her older daughter had grown up. That little girl who cried when she fell had grown up now. Mommy put some oil on her bruises that night.

A few days later on the playground Rebecca showed Mommy a scratch on her elbow. Mommy saw a little surface skin was scratched off and the scratched skin discharged a little yellowish liquid. Being worried, Mommy asked Rebecca what happened. Rebecca said she fell when she was playing scooter.

“It is not as bad as it looks.” She said.

Mommy asked if she cried and she said no. Mommy’s worry was eased by her answer.

“You’re such a brave girl.” Mommy said.

When they got home, Mommy first cleaned the scratch with cotton ball and water and then put antibiotic ointment and a band aid on the scratch.

“You’ll be alright.” Mommy said after she was done with the band aid. She remembered she once fell from her bicycle and scratched her knee. There is a little scar on her knee, but it doesn't hurt any more.

At dinner time Rebecca said she was lucky that she didn’t break her arm.

“Yes. But it would be ok if you broke your arm. We would take you to the doctor and he would fix it.” Mommy said.

“A broken arm is not as bad as you think.” Mommy continued, “And you would be alright if you broke your arm.”

Rebecca's scratch would be alright in a few days. A broken arm would be alright, too.

People will experience different kinds of pain in their lives, but every pain will be alright.

[Revelation 21: 3-4] "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

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