Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Trip to Rocky Point (1)

It was Rebecca's spring break. To have some fun, Daddy and Mommy decided to take two princesses for a vacation. They chose Rocky Point, which is located on the northern shore of the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California). The name Rocky Point is an American name for the town of Puerto Penasco in the state of Sonora, Mexico. It is Arizona’s closest beach resort. There were a few other families joined them, too. The vacation last for three nights and four days.

Gabby got excited a few days before the vacation. “I’ll go to beach.” She said that again and again. Mommy bought her a new swimming suit with a picture of Dora and Boots on it. She was thrilled at her new swimming suit. She wore it at her baths, of course. On the way to Rock Point, she held it in her hands.

On the first day, all the families got together and set out at 10:00 am. They took SR 347 and then SR 85 to get to the US/Mexico border. From the border they took Mexico Highway 8 to Rocky Point. The speed limit changed to "60 km/h" after they crossed the border. Rebecca rode with her friend KaiKai in KaiKai’s car. Mommy and Gabby rode in Daddy's car. They only took a couple of breaks for bathrooms and gas. When they took a break at a McDonald's store, Gabby played with a dog which belonged to another traveling family. They didn’t need to be checked at the border. Around 2:40 pm (Arizona time) they arrived at Las Palmas Beachfront Resort in Rocky Point.

Rebecca and Gabby's family's condo was on the fifth floor. They could see the ocean from the balcony. The condo was like a home because it had everything a home has, such as microwave, oven, knives, cooking ware, silver ware, cups, dishes and dining table. It even had a washing machine and a dryer. Mommy liked everything of the condo. She was very interested in the drawings and posters hung on the walls and other decorations. They were all related to ocean and beach and made the place a very warm home.

Mommy cooked instant noodles for a quick lunch. After lunch, they went to the beach. At the beach, Rebecca and other kids picked up seashells, and then they started to build a sand castle. Gabby ran around to help with the sand castle. After a while, Daddies went to buy sea food leaving Mommies and kids at the beach. After building the sand castle, the kids played in the puddles. They caught three little fishes and a little crab. Seeing that, Mommy thought of her childhood and old friends. They used to catch fish in the rivers like Rebecca and her friends were doing. The little fishes and crab they caught looked familier to her.

Gabby was picking up seashells. Mommy went to help her. At that moment, Mommy wished she could help them, walk with them and experience together all the excitement and frustration during the growing up of Rebecca and Gabby just like she was doing.

When it got darker, Mommies and their kids left the beach and went back to their condos. Mommy had to use Gabby's shoes to carry all the seashells because they picked so many. The kids all got wet and needed a shower right away.

After the shower, Daddies had not returned yet. Mommies started to get worried. Their cell phones were turned off in Mexico. So there was no way to call them. Two Mommies went to look for them. Rebecca and Gabby were hungry. Mommy decided to feed them first. She prayed in her mind while she was cooking. She cooked rice and omelette (which Rebecca calls world-famous omelette). After eating, Rebecca asked why Daddy had not come back yet. Mommy, Rebecca and Gabby prayed together for Daddies’ coming back safely.

Daddies came back finally. Daddy told Mommy that they stayed at the seaport to watch the sunset. After it got dark, they can’t find the way back and got lost. Daddy bought clams, shrimps and fish. He didn't buy any crab because there were not many and all were sold out. "Maybe it is not the harvest season for crabs." Mommy thought.

They went to bed around 9:30 pm Mexico time (10:30 pm Arizona time). Rebecca slept in the couch bed in the living room. Daddy, Mommy and Gabby slept in the big bed in the bedroom. It was a long day. They went fast asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Antie Hanying: Hello family! Greetings from Maldives! It is so good to see new posts. I just finish reading this one. I have to pace myself down from the eager of reading the rest because I want to tell you I went diving two days ago. I did not go deep, only 8 meters to refresh my dive skills, as I have not dived for more than 6 months. I saw nemo and other very colorful fish. The smallest one is only half the length of Gabby's finger - a black and white baby fish at the doorway of his home in the corals.

    Early this afternoon, after finishing all work, I will go for another dive - will send you photos by email soon! Love, Hanying
