Friday, March 5, 2010

Super Daddy

Daddy is a super Daddy. He fixes things that are broken or don’t work in the house.

Gabby’s talking toys didn’t talk. Mommy told Daddy. He fixed them.

Rebecca wanted to play games on the internet, but the computer didn’t work. She told Daddy. He fixed it.

Mommy’s car had a problem. She told Daddy. He fixed it.

He also fixes televisions, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, humidifiers, and a lot of other things.

One day he even fixed three broken hearts.

It’s right before Christmas. Rebecca’s school had a gift shop. Mommy gave her a few dollars to let her buy some gifts for her teacher or friends. To Mommy’s surprise, Rebecca bought her a gift instead! It was a little plaque with a poem (for Mommy) on it. At that moment, Mommy felt she was the happiest on the world. She almost cried.

For a long time Mommy was soaked in that happiness that she couldn’t think normally. She didn’t notice that part of the plaque was made of glass and gave it to Gabby to play with after Gabby asked for it insistently. When she was making dinner in the kitchen, she heard Gabby crying in the living room. She ran to the living room and saw Gabby’s hands were bleeding. She broke the plaque and cut her finger! At that sight, Rebecca began to cry. She cried because her gift was broken. Mommy cried, too.

Guess what happened next? Daddy fixed the broken plaque. With great patience, he glued the broken pieces back together. It was done so nicely that nobody but the people in the family will notice it was broken before. The three broken hearts were also fixed.

Is such a Daddy super?

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